Wife hit me In The head, I took our kid out and left to breathe it out.

When I come back, she has doubled down. Says she doesn’t want counseling. And wants me to go forward with whatever I think is fit. Stay or leave she says.

Idk how to handle this,

  1. If anyone were to get physically violent like that with me I definitely would not trust them around my children. Call the cops get it on record.

  2. What would you say to someone whose husband hit them in the head? Who says he doesn’t even care whether they leave or stay?

  3. Make a police report. My first and only thought would be protecting the kid, and if she can hit you and see nothing wrong with it that child is absolutely in danger.

  4. Too much missing info. What lead to this fight? Did you also hit her?

    What’s the story. Can’t say without more context.

  5. Drive to the cops with your child and report what happened. Don’t leave your kid with them.

    Start the paper trail 🙁

    It sounds like the end was a while ago and this is the wakeup call you needed.

  6. I wanted to add that if this is out of her normal behavior, she may be going through something. If so, maybe she will be open to getting some help

  7. I’d suggest a full-blown boxing max, according to the Queensbury rules. Then I’d pack my stuff and get out.

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