For context, I have a very irregular and unpredictable menstrual cycle but I tend to spot and this can last up to a week (all normal). Earlier in the week I was initiating sex and my husband was into it and ready and then I mentioned I needed to go to the bathroom to clean up because I may have been spotting and he IMMEDIATELY went flaccid. Like a deflated balloon. For even further context, we have had issues about period sex in the past. He has a very sensitive blood phobia and experiences nausea around any blood. Many years ago when we first started dating, I experienced a bit of bleeding after sex, and he was emotionally devastated. Im talking he couldn’t eat, felt like he was going to throw up, and literally felt like he was a danger to me. He still holds onto this and I honestly think it traumatized him, even though I never blamed him or even thought it was that big of a deal. So whenever the blood phobia is coupled along side myself, he just cannot get or stay hard. I understand that it isn’t me, but as a woman it is really devastating when your partner doesn’t want to touch you because of your period. It’s like he cant be anywhere near the general region. I’ve told him that it hurts my feelings and he knows and feels bad that it makes me feel insecure but he says it’s just not something he can get past. I don’t even want period sex (nor do I even get a regular period), I just don’t want to feel my husband’s fear and hesitation any time I experience spotting.

1 comment
  1. Would he be willing to try therapy?

    This is one of those areas that I feel like is not really something you can compromise on because…if you have a uterus/ovaries, blood is a likelihood, at some point, some time, not always known.

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