Is your spouse OCD? If something is out of place or things aren’t picked up right away my husband gets pissed off. We have a 4 year old so the house isn’t gonna be spotless 24/7. He complains he is always cleaning up behind us. It’s really not that serious. I’m a neat and clean person. I guess my cleaning isn’t up to his standards lol. I’m over walking on eggshells because of this. What would y’all do?

  1. Is he in therapy? If not, I would suggest he go. OCD is *not* necessarily so much about everything being “neat and tidy” as is popular belief.

  2. This is probably not OCD. The popular conception of OCD is wrong. It’s typically more obsessions and compulsions, and “checking” like washing hands until they bleed to be clean, or having to turn lights on and off repeatedly or constantly check that the stove’s off because of a fear that the house will burn down. It sounds like you and your husband just need to talk about your respective levels of cleanliness/organization.

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