How offended would you be if the guys in your life were cordial but otherwise cold and distant with you out of an idea of masculinity?

  1. Not offended, I just wouldn’t care that much about them. Kind of hard to from arm’s length, whatever the reason. They can be coworkers or friendly acquaintances or whatever and that’s all.

  2. Most guys (especially post college years) are pretty cold and isolated. I wouldn’t take it personally.

  3. Seems kinds dumb. So if I were to be more friendly with them, what then? Are they gonna tell me to stop trying to strengthen our relationship?

  4. If the guys in my life suddenly changed and became like that, I’d be pretty upset. I barely have any people in my life as it is, last thing I need is the few people I have growing cold and distant.

    If new people I meet are cold and distant, that’s fine. I don’t have any reason to care what strangers are like as long as they’re capable of basic human decency. They’re never going to be more than strangers to me, but that’s not my problem.

  5. This is the majority of interactions in my life.

    Polite, but impersonal.

    I am a man. No one gives a damn about me, unless I am providing something for them.

  6. I’d tell them to stop acting like bitches before I started treating them like one.

  7. Being offended is something hurt people say or use.

    But to answer your question is who gives a shit. Everyone is going through something you know nothing about.

    It doesn’t have to be masculinity, he could have just social anxiety, not an “expert” at talking about topics, ate a nasty burrito and holding in a fat one…

    Who knows, switch to something he likes, like burritos.

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