Women who have to take a pill once per day at the same time of day, how do you manage to do that? What strategies make you more successful in medication adherence?

  1. It’s either the first or last thing I do. So typically I leave it by my toothbrush and I take it before I brush.

  2. I leave my contraceptive pill packet on top of my phone overnight so as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning I turn it off and take it.

    I have another medication I have to take twice a day with food, so whenever I eat breakfast and dinner, I take it.

  3. I know that I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t take it. That’s sufficient motivation.

  4. I use the app ‘MediSafe’. It reminds me, and I can snooze it or set it to remind me once I get home…it has weekly stats so you can track when you were late or if you forgot a pill.

  5. I have a warning alarm, an at time alarm, a 5 minute late alarm and, a 15 minute late alarm.

  6. I would set an alarm and always do it at night when I was gonna be home (homebody here).

  7. I have 5 pills plus a supplement I take daily. A pill in the morning with my supplement and 2 of an evening, and 2 right before bed.

    I have the MyTherapy app that helps remind me and keep track of everything.

  8. I don’t. I’ve tried all the tricks and some of them work most of the time. I just let my doctors know I’m bad at compliance. Occasionally I get a lecture but mostly the just monitor and adjust medications and avoid daily pills where possible.

  9. I take mine in the morning after I shower. The packet is on my dressing table, and I walk past it as I come out of the bathroom or when I go to dry my hair. At weekends, it might be an hour or so later if I get up later.

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