Hii, so basically I would like some advice or another viewpoint other than my own. So I f(23) have been seeing this guy m(27) since august 29 (our first date) and have since hung out/gone on dates/hooked up every week since then sometimes 2-3 times a week. About a week ago he asked me if I wanted to travel to Hawaii with him, I feel comfortable with him but spending uninterrupted time together makes me feel just a little nervous. Another thing is he’s so sweet and adorable, treats me right buuut hasn’t mentioned wanting to make me his girlfriend yet, so that’s a little upsetting. What do you think? Is traveling together after knowing each other for 1.5 months too soon? And should I wait to address the exclusiveness of the relationship until after the trip?

1 comment
  1. I would say yes that’s pretty fast to be going on a trip together especially since you guys haven’t talked about exclusiveness yet. Like you said you’ll be together the entire time and have only know each other for 1.5 months. If you really do want to travel, you should talk about being exclusive first

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