Long time marriage always dresses nice. She f58 me m61. We spend all of our time together enjoying each other’s company. She’s in good shape me as well not athletic shape certainly not overweight. I complement her help her around the house. When it comes to sex she’s always too tired?

  1. I noticed below you said she’s already gone through menopause, could be another medical issue causing her to be tired all the time. She should consult her doctor.

  2. In my experience – in the early days of a relationship, both people are obsessed with screwing each other all the time. As you settle into things, you start to prioritize job, home life, hobbies, family, etc – which is all good. But a HL person (more often the man in a hetero relationship, but not always) will still see lots of sex and lust *as the ideal* – in other words they always think about the next opportunity for sex, and assume a partner who loves and desires them will be doing the same.

    For non-HL people, that is not the worldview. Sex is something important and enjoyable , but fairly low-priority, and having sex brought up when they’re trying to relax is like having kids ask if they can have McDonalds while you’re trying to cook dinner for them.

    You can work on it only by really communicating and understanding each other. And the non-HL person will usually only compromise if they are convinced it’s a make-or-break issue for the HL partner.

  3. Hormones.

    There’s also the dread B-word…


    The only way to know is to ask. Be open to her response. This is a great opportunity to explore new paths.

  4. I’ve tried to discuss it. I’ve even given her a pass if she wanted to go away with her friends.

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