What is your favorite fruit?

  1. I love berries, any and all kinds of berries. But my favorite berry is probably strawberry.

  2. Apricots, peaches, and nectarines! Also cherries, blueberries, and cantaloupe. I eat so much fruit in the summer πŸ˜…

  3. It’s hard to choose just one because I love them all, but if I had to pick, then probably grapefruit.

  4. (Not a woman so if this has to be deleted that’s cool.)

    I LOVE oranges. To an obsessive extent. I was on a missions trip one time where it was very hot outside day and night, and for two weeks, breakfast, lunch, dinner, all we had was warm water, hot bread, hot meat, hot eggs, and hot goat cheese. (It was delicious food and we were thankful for it but after a few days you’re dying for something refreshing with good flavor.

    Finally one morning we went to get food for breakfast and there was a pile of oranges that had been sitting in the shade and were perfectly ripe. Several people literally teared up with excitement haha

    It changed me forever and I am constantly in various levels of craving citrus fruits, and nothing hits the spot like oranges! πŸ˜€

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