I’m 37wks pregnant and feeling emotional. My husband and I had our 6th wedding anniversary yesterday and overall I consider us to be a good couple, very blessed and happy. However, yesterday I asked if he wanted to have sex about 2 hours before we went over to our friends house for dinner and he instantly said “tomorrow”. Tomorrow?! I had a feeling he had just jacked off and that’s why he reacted so quickly and pushed it off. About a month and a half ago we had a conversation around watching porn and how I’d appreciate him to come to me first prior if I was around before to resorting to that (which seems very reasonable to me) but even since that conversation it’s still just me initiating sex… and when I don’t initiate, he doesn’t, it just doesn’t happen.

Back to last night… when I basically accused him of getting what he needed from porn instead of me (on our anniversary remember), he got mad at me and went and slept in the living room then came in this morning and asked if I wanted to restart. I said no. My thoughts being, ‘no I don’t want to restart and have you not acknowledge how I’m feeling right now.’

We talked about it and he essentially told me that I was right about yesterday. I asked him why a million times and he kept not really giving me a straight forward answer until I finally squeezed one out that I could accept: that he has been unintentionally being selfish about his own needs because he knows he is not going to be able to be selfish when the baby gets here, in a few different aspects. I told him I appreciated his answer but that I wished he didn’t feel that way.. but I still feel uneasy about the whole thing. I’ve just been laying in bed with my thoughts today thinking, wait, is this actually happening and the baby isn’t even here yet? is it going to get even worse when the baby gets here? Is this my fault? Did I fuck up and get pregnant before he was ready? We had tried for a year and a half before we got this one to stick, so it’s not like I was the only one involved here. I’m just feeling really sad and emotional and the days are dwindling until this baby gets here and now I’m starting to second guess myself if I’m ready myself. I’m sure some of this is normal… I’m just not sure how much and what to do about it in the 3 (hopefully) weeks we have left with just the two of us.

  1. I understand what you mean. If this is your first child I feel like he doesn’t wanna cause you any pain I know how stupid it sounds but when my wife got pregnant I thought having sex was gonna cause her and the baby pain. Well I was wrong. I think having a serious conversation with and about porn use because that can lead to an addiction.

    Plus your hormones all over the place. Just have a serious conversation with him about sex and how you both would like to improve the marriage.

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