(For those who may not know RBF stands for resting bitch face)

After asking, most if not all my friends/acquaintances said I looked uninviting before actually talking to me. One even said he thought I was rude since I didn’t smile or seem interested in what he had to say in the slightest.

In no way am I intentionally making this face or trying to come off as rude. I guarantee this may be causing an issue with meeting new people.

Is there anyway I can combat this without smiling idly all creepily or coming off as fake?

1 comment
  1. Fake would be plastering this huge smile on your face all the time, which is NOT what you want. The time to light up the BIG smile is when you first meet or greet someone.

    The thing to work on when you’re by yourself is something I call a Hint of a Smile. It’s just the slightest upturn of your mouth, and it’s accompanied by a slight crinkling of your eyes to make it genuine. This both puts a smile on your FACE and in your HEART. Look at it in the mirror to make sure you got the effect you want, then memorize what that feels like on your face so you can do it anytime you want. Then PRACTICE it at home when you’re by yourself. Do it four times an hour or whatever so you can develop the habit. Bonus: this hint of a smile will improve your mood and your energy level!

    Then take it out to the public and you’ll find you’re more socially energetic AND approachable. You don’t need to do it 24/7, but regularly while out in public or in conversation makes a HUGE difference.

    Good luck!

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