For context, we just graduated college and are working two very different jobs. I might end up having to move home for a bit to save money and decide if I want to pursue medical school or find another career route. My girlfriend is working at the university and living in a house with 3 others. Over time, we’ve had differences come our way with how we were both raised and how different our lives are even now. We’ve also had some differing viewpoints on money and she is comaplaining how I need to grow up and not stay at home to save money with my parents.

The talk of engagement has come up, but I am unsure of what to do since our lives are so sporadic and different at the moment. I also feel like I’m the asshole because although my girlfriend is great and enjoys my family and everyone loves her, her family doesn’t seem to like me as much. I also have been struggling with being my age and seeing other “attractive girls” and realizing that even though my girlfriend is so great, that I am not terribly attracted to her physically. I know looks are not everything, but I can’t help but have other girls catch my attention and then it makes me almost wish I was not in a relationship. Idk how I should feel about that, because I love my girlfriend but just don’t find her as attractive as some other girls.

TLDR: deciding on how to move forward with my 1.5 year relationship and would like some input from anyone with similar experience. Thanks for all your replies!

  1. … Break up with her. Free her up so she can get over you and find someone who appreciates and loves her instead of someone leading her on and ogling every other “hot girl” he comes across like a creepy teen boy who’s never seen the female form outside a magazine or porno.

    And make sure you tell her why. As a matter of fact, screenshot and send her this post. Let her know how trash you are. It’ll help her bounce back into dating much quicker.

  2. Sexual attraction is required but not in itself sufficient for a succesfull romantic relationship. If you are not attracted to her you should break up. (you actually shouldnt have dated her in the first place)

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