so my bf and I, weve been dating for 8 years now and aside our differences we love each other very much.
on 30 September this year my bf asked for a break to figure out his career and future and I accepted.
we went on a date on 12 October and I know I shouldn’t have done it but something told me to snoop his phone which I did and I went straight to his gallery -hidden photos and saw that he went on a coffee date/meetup in the evening with one of his friends sister on 1 October, one day after he asked for a brea.

when I confronted him about it he got defensive, told me it was coincidence that they met and yelled at me for snooping.

we have a lot understanding between us, he has girl-friends and I have guy – friends which is fine. my only condition was to inform me when he went out with any of his friends guy or girl.
this time.. 1- he hid it from me
2- he paid the bill
3- he didn’t inform me
4- he kept the photos in the hidden album
and when asked he refused to call the girl.

I don’t know what to do I yelled at him we had a huge fight and he yelled at me that I was wrong to wnoop
I feel i over reacted

did I overreact or am I just being paranoid?

  1. hidden=wanna keep the pic and wanna hide it from potential snooping. Trash guy, you should not waste your time.

  2. He clearly asked for a break to meet other women. He “needed” a break and instantly went on a date with another person? You know what that means and thats why you deep down know you didn’t overreact.

  3. He wants to break up with you without committing to it. The “break” was/is a way to keep you on ice in case he changes his mind later. It’s up to you whether your self-respect is low enough to let it continue.

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