I don’t fucking know what to feel but I’m livid. He is very apologetic and said that he only did it because he got addicted in the quest to write the most depraved (but realistic) sexual story that he can come up with to a friend of his who lives in a different state.

He says he has never thought about her that way and she was merely story material. Writing stories is a way of release for him and it seemed harmless and as a fiction writer myself, I understood it to a degree.

What do I do? Is it really plausible that he is telling the truth or pure bs?

Serious perspectives please. Help me out 🙁

  1. Of course he’s thought about her, but that’s quite normal, forbidden fruit and all that. I’m more concerned about who the hell the friend is?!

  2. Nah fck that sht, he could’ve written it about a woman that didnt exist and decided to write it about your sister. thats sick, and it means that he DOES think of her in that way, imagining her doing the stuff he wrote about… I would dump his ass. What a disgusting person.

  3. Pure bs, sorry. How do you write a porn story about someone you say you don’t think about in that way? Come on. The only way you can believe that is if you decide to accept the lie as truth.

    But either way, how do you go forward right? I mean it would be bad enough if it was a friend but your sister you see at family events. Talk about awkward. I’m not sure how you scrub this one out of your brain other than letting it go and moving on. Which doesn’t feel right either so I think you likely need to do what you already know you want to do.

  4. Why was he apologetic? Because he was trying to hide it and you found it?
    Or because he showed it to you and thought you’d like it but you obviously didn’t?

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