Im a junior and have yet to reach out to or connect with anyone. Is this ok? I dont like it but im already over halfway done with undergrad and im running out of time. This makes me anxious but if its ok that i have not then maybe i can let go and not feel like ive wasted time in college. Im tired of feeling pressure like this. College is for learning anyways right, not makiny friends?

  1. Absolutely and you’re not missing out on anything. You have your priorities set so why change it now?

  2. College is what you make of it. If you chose to do it solo, that is your prerogative. Although it is very useful to network and meet people potentially going into the same career field as you. In addition to this, you will need recommendations from professors or other faculty if you’re interested in further education in your field, this is next to impossible if you aren’t engaging with the course and it’s professor. Like I said though, it’s up to what you value and what you want to do but it’s very useful to have people you know in the field you want to enter.

  3. In my opinion, it’s not good. Try to put yourself in situations where you can meet and get to know people, like clubs/activities/sports/something, and try connecting with professors whose classes you enjoy (will be great references). If you’re having trouble putting yourself out there now…it doesn’t get easier once you graduate. And I’m not saying to meet people solely for the sake of connections and future job hunting…but having friends is always nice and you never know.

    Speaking from experience, I took a bunch of classes with this one professor and did very well in their classes and I really regret not asking them to be my advisor. Even though they graciously agreed to serve as a reference for me, I wish I had pushed past the discomfort of “I’m nervous around them” and tried to get to develop more of a relationship with them just because they were interesting!

  4. It’s most likely that a relative of yours have a more reliable connection than one from college (but depends, some may agree, some may not)

    In my college I didn’t have many networks but because my classmates didn’t have any networks either lol

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