I hate calling because it’s just so awkward. With texting you can have enough time to reply and stuff. With calls it’s like an awkward irl conversation but in your phone, but I just don’t know how to tell someone I don’t want to call them and I prefer texting, I don’t want to make an excuse but I don’t want to just say “I don’t want to call you.”

  1. What I usually do is tell them; “Not today, maybe some other time-” or “I prefer to text 4 now” or something that’s similar. Just make sure the point gets across that you aren’t feeling up 2 it

  2. just be honest with them and say you don’t enjoy phone calls but they’re always welcome to text you (if that’s true that is). communication is key! :))

  3. “I don’t like talking on the phone, I feel more comfortable with texting”

    I’ve said that to people before and they usually said some variance of “oh ok well then text me” and that was the end of that.

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