Men who don’t unrack their weights at the gym, why?

  1. Only new guys or ass holes do this. So be kind and remind new guys proper gym etiquette. Ass holes just piss in their protein shake.

  2. I will look at someone who didn’t put their weights back and I will go back and put them back correctly while looking at them. They all get mad offended when I do it lol. At my gym, it’s mostly the old men who do it.

  3. Yo bro, some dudes just don’t give a shit about anyone else at the gym. They think they’re too cool to unrack their weights or something. But really, it’s just common courtesy and respect for others using the equipment after you. Be a decent human being and put your damn weights back where they belong.

  4. I see men and women do this at the gym. Mostly the ones who are always looking at themselves in the mirror.

  5. Because I’m a lazy entitled prick, and I justify it by saying the next guy will put these same weights on anyway.

  6. I leave 1 45lb plate on each side on the leg press machine because no one goes lower than that. That’s the one exception I have for re-racking things.

  7. So every gym I have been to leaves some weight on as a base weight. Take t bar row for example, 99% of people leave a 45 on as base weight, iv seen other people get upset about it but others say it’s an understood base weight. Say they were 180lbs, they’d take off 3 45s and leave the last one. Out of every gym iv been to that’s the common thing. Idk maybe it’s just a south thing

  8. I’m literally at the gym right now and I’ll just say anyone convincing themselves they’re fine with leaving some “base weight” is lying to themselves. Unless your gym explicitly says it. I’m at a university gym so mostly of very young adults and there are still people who can barely get an empty leg press up or are squatting a PVC pipe.

    And this isn’t accounting for the few senior citizens here. So yeah you might be making it more convenient for the other strong people but definitely making it less convenient for the weaker people and maybe they don’t even want to try. Whatever you decide is your choice but just saying I don’t think it’s true there’s some minimum weight everyone uses.

  9. Reading this thread is an excellent reminder of why it was totally worth it to buy my own equipment.

  10. Because even though they lift, they’re lazy fucks.

    I’ll always go up to them and ask if they’re done with whatever and when they say yes I’ll say “cool I couldn’t tell because you left all the weights on it.” If they then offer to help put them back I say “no it’s cool I’m strong enough to do it and my lift.”

  11. Using the rack to lift weights is the ultimate power move.

    “Bench press? Squats? Cleans?”

    “No I just lift the whole rack. That’s the exercise. It’s every lift in one.”

    It also is far more convenient as you never have to put your weights back if you never take them off the rack in the first place.

  12. I think this problem has gotten worse in the last few years. I think a lot of the little things people do for each other has stopped. People are ruder on the road and more selfish and confrontational in general. Maybe covid lockdowns made people go a bit crazy (I’m not saying they weren’t necessary, just that there were some unintended consequences)?

  13. Literally here right now and a dude Re-racked ONE plate from the bench and left the other side and didn’t wipe it down after he sweat all over it. Criminal.

  14. I think I may have the ONLY acceptabl;e answer as to why I don’t re-rack my weights when I’m done.

    My trainer does it for me while I go to the station to get the spray and towels to wipe down the bench or machine we’re moving on from.

    When I leave a machine or bench it’s clean and weight free ready for the next person to use.

  15. Wait wait wait… I may have just learned something here…

    Personally, when it comes to dumbbells and barbells, I get frustrated with the “hoarders” who have 3 different weights at their feet and take 15 mins breaks between every set… so I thought that’s what we were talking about (I rerack mine after nearly every set, but never have more than one at a time)

    That said, I leave plates on all the time… I have **never** noticed anyone else ever taking plates off, and I never really thought anything of it. I just assumed that plates on an empty machine or bar is the same as those same weights on a peg somewhere else. Is that what you’re all talking about? People get upset about plates left on a bar?

  16. As someone who works at a gym and tried to rerack so those that can’t lift much are still able to use machines without stripping 4 45s off of them first I can’t stand these self entitled pricks.

  17. In my apartment’s gym, where everyone is quiet and on headphone and are super courteous, there’s this one guy that carries a speaker and blasts music every time he goes.

    Some people are just dicks.

  18. The same type of person who parks over 2 parking spaces. It never ceases to amaze me the level of selfishness people are capable of

  19. Why don’t I unrack them? Because they’re heavy and it’s way easier to just look at them while not lifting…

    Ok so obviously you meant rerack in which case yeah it’s just people are dickheads who assume somebody else will clear their shit up.

    Or they are simply not thinking of others while thinking “well nobody lifts below X amount so I’m fine leaving X number of plates”. Unless you’re in a hardcore bodybuilding/powerlifting gym this shit ain’t ok. The 17 year old girl coming in for her 3rd ever session isn’t benching 135 take your fucking plates off in a commercial gym.

  20. Same reason people leave shopping carts in parking spaces when there’s a spot for them 40 feet away.


  21. They’re too weak. Only the strongest of men have the power to rerack their weights.

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