Hi guys. 25M met a girl on a dating app who checks all my boxes. Very sweet girl and we’ve hungout a bunch of times. The catch is she lives an hour and a half away ( up to 2 hours with traffic, i live in NYC). I know most of you will say 2 hours is nothing but for me , I’ve always wanted a relationship where we can do the little things. Run to the store with her, get ice cream, come by my parents house , or be able to hangout at any spontaneous moment. In my case, it seems like it will take a ton of planning and meeting halfway which is something i really never pictured doing anyone have any input or experience? She is a girl i can see myself with , but it isn’t the type of relationship i wanted. Should i compromise or cut it off and keep it pushing until i find what i want ?

TLDR: is attempting to date someone 2 hours away a bad idea if im heavy on wanting someone to be close by

  1. Is there hope of either of you relocating? If not or if that is still going to be barrier for you it’s fine to say it isn’t going to work and move on.

  2. You get to decide what you want.

    I know that if what I wanted was spontaneous dates, starting a relationship that required some notice due to distance wouldn’t be a good start.

  3. That’s relatable. When I lived in NYC, I had a “Metrocard rule” for just that reason, and once gave a great girl the “just friends” speech because she lived out in New Brunswick.

    Does she see moving to the city in her future?

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