So I’ve been going out with this woman for about 2 months now, (6 dates so far), and she said she always takes things really slow.

I tried to kiss her last time we hung out, but she’s stated she was ready yet. I said thats fine, and hugged goodbye. So far, the most we’ve done is hug.

I really like this woman, but I’m starting to think maybe she’s not into me, at least not as a boyfriend. We’ve talked about this, and she says she does like me, but said right after that she takes things really slow.

She is very religious from what she’s told me, which is why I’m thinking maybe this is just the way she is.

Should I just find someone else or should I be a bit more patient? I don’t mind being patient, but I also don’t want to waste my time if she’s simply not into me.

1 comment
  1. That’s a pretty extreme religion there. I think you might need to have a talk about this religion and what all is involved with it. I see more problems down the road.

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