Hey guys. Returned to school this semester for an associates in nursing program. Long story short : there is a VERY annoying girl who is in all but one of my classes because she is also in the nursing program.

For a little background and context, she first initiated some small talk with me at the beginning of the semester about my experience as an EMT (which I now regret sharing with the class – a prof had us share if we have any healthcare experience. I should have said I have none.) She started a CNA class over the summer so she was talking to me about that. So basically ever since then she has sought me out, sat next to me in every class, tries to walk with me/hangout with me in between classes, etc.

Let me say that I try to be polite to everybody. I hate conflict. So I’ve been nice to this girl even though her personality and attitude really just annoy me. She talks about her experience in CNA class constantly and uses it to try and sound knowledgeable (she just makes herself sound stupid.) She’s the type of person who will try to one up you if you complain about being tired, not having enough time, etc. “Oh YOU’RE tired? Well I only got one hour of sleep and blah blah blah…” She will see me actively sitting with my earbuds in and scrolling on my phone and will try to initiate conversation with me. I try to be polite but I just hope that my short answers will signal to her my uninterest – but she never gets the hint. In our a&p lab, I had a nice lab partner, but this girl literally showed up early to take her seat last week and now I have to work with her. We started dissecting a cat last class and not only did she absolutely butcher it while trying to remove the skin, she would not let me participate. Like she was literally reaching and trying to grab the tools out of my hands when she decided my turn was over.

At the end of our 8 hour lab today we were getting ready to head home. The prof forgot to talk about ostomy bags – which he said specifically was not important and we wouldn’t be tested on it. She raised her hand at the last second and said “prof, I think you forgot to teach us something!”

Everybody in the room groaned and we had to stay to learn about ostomy bags. As we’re walking out she looks at me with a smirk and goes “are you mad that I mentioned something?” Like YES dude I am actually. I am a commuter and wanted to go home to eat before my next class but now I don’t have time. I can’t always afford to spend money at the campus dining hall.

An important thing about me – I don’t really care to have friends. I am fine with talking to people in classes or at work – but I don’t typically hangout with people or talk to them outside of that. I am a very independent person and that is how I like it. So this is just an uncomfortable situation for me. She has asked me multiple different times to study/hangout outside of class and I always politely decline.

I just don’t understand why she cannot take the hint. She is so clingy and I can’t stand that – the idea that I might have to deal with her for the next two years as a classmate makes me want to drop out.

I am afraid to directly confront her because I don’t want to upset her. I doubt she really means to be any sort of way. I just personally can’t stand her and I want to get away. Plus I’m paranoid about pissing people off – people are crazy these days and I don’t want to end up as some statistic, ya know? I’m hoping she’ll just drop out because she’s been getting below passing on all the exams so far.

Please tell me how I can go about this, or give me advice on how not to let her bother me so much. It is legitimately affecting my motivation to attend classes. Thanks for reading.

TLDR: A girl who is in all but one of my classes is very clingy and annoying. She will not leave me be and I cannot stand her as a person. She is in the same program as me and so this may continue for several semesters. What do?

  1. She sounds annoying.

    She also sounds like she is interested in a relationship or something with you.

  2. Welcome to adulthood, where sometimes you’ll have a colleague you don’t enjoy, but who has decided that you are friends.

    Time to be an adult and kindly state your interest to be left alone.

    And maybe consider taking courses with professional teachers who would say “oh, class is over, if you really wanna talk about ostomy, my office hours are on the syllabus!”

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