What helps you wear what you want without caring about the opinions of others?

  1. Reminding myself that life is short and other people’s opinions on my clothes don’t matter unless we’re at a job interview or something.

  2. When I’m old in a nursery home, I’m going to smile when I see my younger self in that elf costume.

  3. Because if someone is going to judge what I’m wearing, do I really give a duck about their opinion?? lol. No. I don’t. It’s often my own opinion that my clothes aren’t right and ultimately, if I’m stressing over it, I decide it’s not worth the stress and tell myself to just pick something to wear and focus on something more enjoyable, like how happy I’ll be out and about with friends or whatever.

  4. I’m my own worst critic. There is nothing anyone could say or think that is worse than anything I’ve already thought about. So, if I like it, i wear it.

  5. I pay me bills. When others pay my bills then they might have an input on what happens in my life. But when I pay all my bills and don’t ask them for anything then they can go screw themselves and I will wear what ever I like I don’t care if others find it weird or they don’t like it.

  6. I’m sure I’ve seen plenty of terribly dressed people in the wild, but I really can’t remember any specifics. Even if people laugh at what I’m wearing, by the time they get home they wouldn’t be able to pick me out of a lineup. So who cares?

  7. Depends. Is what I’m wearing offensive, appalling or just plain foolish? Then I don’t try to bring that kind of attention upon myself and try to consider others in the process. It’s better to not try to make a fool of yourself because of some “I can do what I want” thought process. It’s just careless and that often projects onto other parts of your life.

  8. Being over the age of 27 will do it. And ask yourself how often you look at someone and care what they’re wearing then realize that you’re also in that category

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