I never thought I’d be writing this post, but my relationship (26M) with my girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend- (24F) ended a couple of days ago.
We had been on a break for almost a month. We did see each other a couple of times during, but it was basically her request for us to take a break.
Our relationship had gone through some stressors, for example, I admit that I did not fully trust her, which I know must have been so hurtful to her. On her part, she didn’t stop talking flirty with people when I asked her to be aware of it, and she wanted more space, which I agree with because I can see how the relationship became suffocating. That being said, we had amazing times together… we did road trips, hikes, vacations, and we got through grad school together! We love each other deeply, I know she doesn’t want to break up but she says that she has to because she can’t let go of that anger/resentment that built up over time because of the mentioned fights. I apologized so many times and started therapy, I also gave her the space she wanted and truly have new perspectives, but she decided that she needs more time to heal, and tht maybe we could get back together in the future, because she sees a future with me in it. She also said that she wants us to still be in each others’ lives, but I told her that that’s a bad idea because one of us is bound to get more hurt when the other fully moves on.
I know this time should be to work on my self, my goals, and my issues, but the thoughts consume me.
I wake up feeling crappy, force myself out of bed, and find myself reminiscing all our good times and memories… I feel depressed and that I lost a really special person, and I can’t help but blame myself sometimes. However, what I am aware of is that there seems to be this idea in my head that says “ oh this is just temporary, we’ll be back together in a few days/weeks/months”
And I know it’s not healthy! Because even if that is the case, waiting for it to happen won’t make it happen. I am scared, lost, and feel alone. She was my whole world. She was my best friend.

My gf (24F) broke up with me (26M) and I am in denial the we are broken up and feel depressed.

  1. You say she was your whole world. That would have been a big problem whether or not the relationship ended. Now is the time to live fully in your own life. See your friends and family. Do the things you enjoy. Find a new activity to try. You are very sad but that will begin to fade as you embrace your own world.

  2. Breaks don’t exist, your relationship was over the moment she said she wanted one.

    People do break up and get back together, but never in a healthy way, like the number of living examples of healthy relationships that contain the word “Break” are more rare than any endangered species on the planet, if they even exist at all.

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