Which states do you struggle with?

  1. Yes. I have a puzzle where you piece the states together, and I did that when I was 5 years old.

  2. Yes. I should also be able to write the name of the capital in each state (but couldn’t necessarily give the location within the state).

  3. Not only can I place every state on a map, I can place them all in the correct spot on a map.

  4. I can do better, I can hand-draw a map of all US states with labels.

    It won’t be perfect but they’ll be in the right place and bordering the right states.

    When I do I have to spend the most energy thinking about how North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky interact on the borders.

  5. I have a little party trick where I can freehand draw a map of the US with all state borders, and label every state *and* locate and label their capitals.

    This trick does not actually get me invited to many parties.

  6. Yes, I can. I’ve been doing so since elementary school. I can name all the state capitals as well and have a general idea of where most of them are located.

  7. Absolutely.

    A few of them will even be in the right places.

    It’s all the tiny states in the Northeast that I have trouble with.

  8. Yes, this is something we learn in elementary school. For somebody that grew up here I’d frankly be shocked if they couldn’t.

  9. I find it weird that people aren’t able to do this, but I’m also pro-geography

    The only one I understand is mixing up Vermont and New Hampshire. Every other state is unique enough that you should be able to distinguish them on a map

  10. I can place them all on a map without a problem.

    Whether they’re in the right place or not, that’s a different story.

  11. Every single one, their capitols, largest cities and significant land-forms.

    I can also list them from memory, but I can’t spell all of them without spell check.

    (Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Tennessee)

  12. I could not. The farther from the west coast, the more I struggle. Especially all those small states in the NE. I think I could get ~75% right on the quizzes where if you get it wrong, it eventually tells you the right spot before moving on to the next state, making future states easier. But if I had to label a map with no feedback until the end, I’d probably get 25-50%. Confident on 25%, might guess right on another 25%

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