This post might sound childish but I have never been in this type of situation before and its eating me up inside and I just need to be set free at this point.


I had this friend ( lets call her Marissa) that would always put me into compromising positions by telling me other peoples businesses including one of my other closest friends’ ( lets call her lilly) sinful mistakes (zina allegedly) that they have made in the past and how I shouldn’t be friends with them. At times, I would try my best to steer the conversation away and try to knock down the rumours but I was never stern. I tried to look past what was said and tried to make all of us friends close we even hung out a couple of times. I had a sit down conversation with Marissa trying to vouch for Lilly but Marissa basically denied any negative comments made about her. Long story short, Me and Marissas are no longer friends however Lilly and Marissa now work together and are becoming acquaintances. The question is do I expose the truth about what was said. Although the comments that were made were over a year ago, I need to get it off my chest but I know saying it out loud would be hurtful and I personally would not want anyone reminding me of my past sins. But then on the other hand I would not want to be around someone who spoke so negatively about me in the past.

From an Islamic point of view; I feel like keeping the secret would be most beneficial as it’s concealing my friend’s sins and protecting her dignity. Plus I just see this being he said she said conversation and just bringing chaos.


Selfish point of view; I get to be set free and not have this haunting me and Marissa gets to be put in her place.

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