I feel like my entire life guys have never seen me as anything more than a hookup or a good time. They never seriously want to date me and I don’t understand why. It has always bothered me, but recently it’s making me wonder why I’m not good enough and feel really insecure. I used to be really confident and now I just feel like something is wrong with me and am tired of wasting my time and getting burned over and over again.

  1. Seven days ago you posted “25 F I’m up and I’m cute” in r/meth and I’m guessing stuff like that has a lot to do with why you’re getting used. You’ve gotta shoot your shot, sure, but you have to know where to aim that shit, girl.

  2. You have to higher your standards… there’s good guys out there, but based off of what you said, it seems like you choose dirtbags.

    Nobody can help you about self image, because it’s SELF image. However, you can dictate the type of people you allow into your life. Try talking to dudes outside of “your type” because apparently that’s not working out well for you.

  3. Put all the guys you’ve ever been with in a line. Now find the similar traits between them. Now go find guys that have the opposite traits and see what happens. Aka it’s probably not you, just the guys you’ve been picking.

  4. Girl, stop doing drugs. I can tell you are crazy by the posts u made alone😅

  5. Your profile is covered in your fun with substance abuse. You are not wifey material. If you can’t take yourself seriously, don’t expect other people to do it for you.

    I’m sorry if this has come off as rude, but you did it to yourself, girl. You need to get clean and stable if that’s what you want from your future man.

  6. Do you portray yourself as a girl who hooks up easily? Like do you sleep with the guy on the first date type of thing? I’m going to be brutally honest here, when a girl is willing to sleep with a guy soon after meeting, he’ll put you in the “hookup” category and not commit.

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