Men, what do you hate about other men?

  1. It’s always the dumbest motherfuckers that will start some shit for absolutely idiotic fucking reasons like “respect.” Like…how fucking weak are YOU, that some guy whining or not liking you is enough to piss you off? Grow the fuck up.

  2. I can’t stand guys who make one part of their personality their whole personality.

  3. Over inflated egos clashing in any situation, slimy, underhandedness just to get one over another person or to make them look inferior so they look better than what they really are, which is snails, little friggers that some like and most hate

  4. Some men are generally just creepy assholes, and because they exist, a lot of things aren’t possible. Girls you date won’t meet you alone on their first date because they have to be cautious etc.

  5. I dont hate anyone because of this.

    But I do wish that a lot more men understood the value of being able to confidently express when you’re wrong in the moment.

    Not as an apology later. But a real honest switch in mind during a discussion.

    “I’m sorry. I guess I hadnt looked at the situation like that before, but what you’re saying makes sense to me. You’re right.”

    I think it’s a good indicator towards someones emotional maturity, and I respect it a whole lot more than someone who cant handle being wrong and doubles down.

  6. The fact there are men I work with that have wives/girlfriends with or without kids and still openly try to get with other women on the side

  7. The “if I’m in a group then I must be funny by shit talking another person in the group, and if you get insulted then you’re sensitive” dudes.

    Same applies to women.

    Also, the dudes who see another girl and tell me “Oh what I’d do to her”. Get out of my face you absolute waste of air and space.

  8. The ones who say “ooo I’d have a go on that” when a woman walks past.

  9. A lot of them will bend over backwards to have sex with women who may or may not be worth it.

  10. How those that have certain careers think it’s means their tough. Especially those in the military. I’ve seen plenty with the biggest of muscles be the weakest of individuals.

  11. Some motherfuckers really embody the asshole dudebro women avoid and hate. Hitting on women who aren’t reciprocating and other creepo stuff. You know what I mean.

  12. The bad eggs have given our whole gender a bad reputation. Ei “men are pigs” etc

  13. When they start bringing up things to make you look bad, as soon as a women enters into the room.

  14. the bully kind. makes me wanna punch them . the ones who pick on the defenseless with their “machoness”

  15. Fragile egos.

    I can’t stand men whose first reaction is to get angry when you challenge their knowledge.

  16. I worked in a women-owned engineering firm. A retired military officer, now employed with this firm, requested that I help him out with some CAD work. At the time, he did not recognize that I was hired above him due to my vastly larger career experience. I asked him why he did not take his task to a CAD designer who was responsible to perform this work. He responds that “…between you and me, women do not belong in the workplace. I do not have time to deal with her poor work ethic and performance, so I need you to help me out….” 😏

    I knew exactly who I was dealing with. This arrogant and misogynistic Fucko, ran into many other issues in his career with this company that he also begged me to help him out.

    This big point here is that he worked for this women-owned professional engineering consulting firm and it was two of the women owners who sought to hire him to help him in his elder career change.

    I have a difficult time dealing with stupidity and stupid people. This was one of those times.

  17. Smell. Some of us fuvking stink. And its not for lack of hygene, some of literally break a sweat and our must could incapacitate a bear.

  18. The doucheness and bro mentality that has given a lot of us a bad name. It’s also played a part in why women don’t expect serious and committed relationships from us.

  19. When they randomly invoke “logic” without actually knowing a damn thing about how it works

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