idk wtf im doing. White socks drawer. Colored/wool socks drawer. Undies drawer. Two drawers as a mishmosh of tshirts. Hang sweaters, polos, dress shirts and suit pants.

Maybe it sounds organized, but it ain’t. How are you doing it?

  1. I have a six-drawer dresser, with underwear, socks, plain tees, graphic tees, pants, and seasonal wear in each drawer. I also have a nightstand by my bed for pajamas, and an old nightstand in my closet with my gym clothes and accessories. I hang all button-ups and dress pants

  2. Button up shirts and preferred pants hung. Everything else I try to stack in my cupboard thingy but it comes out as piles where only I know where anything is. Everything is essentially sorted by how much I tend to use it, so stuff I like is front and center. I have a shoe shelf thing under the hanging clothes, but I only have a few pairs so it’s mostly blank space.

    I wouldn’t consider my stuff organized, but I can find everything and that’s all that counts for me. If my wife is being nice she puts stuff up and I’m confused until I redo it. She has a very neat sorting look going but can’t find anything she wants, so I’ll bet there is something closer to perfection in-between our methods. (Except her underwear drawer, that looks like an explosion happened. I have no idea what’s going on there.)

  3. I’ve always considered being able to have separate drawers for your socks and underwear to be the peak of luxury. Mine have always been combined in the same drawer.

    I currently have one drawer for socks and underwear, one drawer for shorts and swimsuits and everything else is hung in the closet.

  4. Shirts hang in order by type I tend to put my A team shirts on the left. All my socks are either black ankle or black crew, are all the same, each have their own small box on a shelf and I dont even fold them. Underware in to a small box as well. Jeans and shorts get folded and put on a shelf. Slacks, ties, belts and suchery get hung. All my hoodies and light jackets also hang. I have all my cold winter stuff like gloves and hats in its own box.

    [These are the types of boxes I use. ]( I get them at the dollar store, they last a long time and come in various sizes.

  5. My closet is two rows. Top row is pants and t shirts. Bottom row is suits, dress shirts, button ups etc. my draws are my sock drawer (all mixed together), underwear, more t shirts (sleeping / gym shirts), and sweats / gym shorts in drawers. I am weird and organize my t shirts by color lol but that’s abt it

  6. Does it matter? Surely the only one who cares how you store your clothes is you, and if you can find everything you need when you need it, it’s fine. If anything, separate drawers for white and colored socks sounds kind of fussy, but again, the only one who has to care is you.

    I’m older than you, but if you care anyway: sock drawer, workout tops drawer, workout bottoms/swimsuits drawer, jeans drawer, undies drawer, casual t-shirt drawer, sleeveless shirts drawer, shorts and sleep/lounge bottoms drawer. This is organized primarily by how much I can fit in a drawer. My dresser is a little weird with lots of smaller drawers rather than a few bigger ones.

    Hanging are suits, jackets, polos, dress shirts and pants, better quality t-shirts such as I might wear going out at night, merch/concert t-shirts (which tend to be more expensive), Henleys, long-sleeve casual shirts, and costumes. (I used to work at a Ren Faire, so there’s a bit of that.)

  7. I have three full drawers and two half drawers. Top full drawer is undershirts and underwear. Top half drawer is socks. Middle full drawer is t-shirts with one stack for plain and two stacks for printed. Bottom full drawer is pajamas and workout clothes. Bottom half drawer is shorts. Everything else (polos, dress shirts, sweaters, hoodies, jeans, pants, etc.) gets hung up in the closet.

  8. Drawers:
    – Underwear and undershirts
    – Office socks and other socks
    – Workout basics
    – Workout outerwear
    – T-shirts

    Closet, from front to back:
    – Belts
    – Office pants
    – Office shirts
    – Weekend pants
    – Weekend shirts / henleys
    – Sweaters
    – Sport coats / blazers
    – Suits
    – Ties

    I should probably move the coats to just behind the office shirts. I wear slacks, belt, shirt, and coat daily, but rarely a suit or tie.

  9. Biggest improvement ive made in terms of clothes organization was rolling my tshirts. Now they’re nearly arranged rollups that i can see all at once instead of having them stacked on top of one another

  10. I hang things that can be hung.

    I fold things that can be folded.

    Anything else goes in a drawer.

    Shoes in either a shoe rack in my wardrobe or one at the front door.

  11. Plastic drawer chest three drawers


    Long socks

    Short socks

    Dresser has folded t shirts, long shirts, jeans, pajamas,

    Closet has my dress pants and buttondown shirts, polos

  12. Share a 4 drawer with my GF…I use 2 drawers, one drawer I use for my socks and A-shirts…the other I use for my boxer briefs and “at home shorts” and winter pajama pants(I’m in Phoenix so the pajama pants hardly ever see any use)other clothes are hung up.

  13. Suits, shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, and jackets all get hung up.

    Underwear and socks in a drawer.

    Shorts and pants in various drawers.

    Shoes on shoe racks.

  14. You might have too many socks. Also, consider having fewer different *types* of socks too.

    Not saying you need to get rid of them all — but getting it down to about 3 dozen pair (at most) can help a lot.

  15. How do i what my clothes? Bro clean pile dirty pile.

    Wait I’m not 22 anymore. Fuck. Ok so closet: nice shirts (for me polos, button downs, special jerseys) hung in closet. Nice pants and jeans also hung in closet. Hoodies hung in closet. Suit jackets hung in far part of closet. Jackets in closet, mostly light.

    Drawers: Shirts folded in a drawer. Separated nice ones and workout ones (even a stash of ones not in use). Another drawer, shorts and sweats. Nice shorts in pile. Sweat shorts, gym shorts, soccer shorts in another, sweat pants wind pants adidas pants in last pile. Last drawer: underwear folded once and rolled, socks tip flipped together. Pile of whites and sneaker black, and pile of dress socks.

  16. Sock drawer, underwear drawer, everything else is on hangers. Pants section, shorts section, golf/polo shirt section, button down shirt section, t shirt section, outerwear/pullover section. When shirts are washed, they get put on the right side of the rack, and I pick what shirt I am going to wear from the left side of the rack, so they all get cycled through and I know which ones I almost never wear because they stay on the far left side for a long time.

  17. When things come out of the washer and everything is folded I put the newest least worn-out things in the back and the more worn out things in the front. Then I wear the most worn out things first. This way I actually wear my clothes out slowly over time instead of having a closet full of mostly worn things while still feeling that I don’t have any new nice things to wear.

    Read the life changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo. The TV show is dumb, but the book changed my life.

    It is largely about getting rid of things that you didn’t realize that you didn’t even want so that the rest can be neat and organized. That may or may not be something you want to do, but either way she has a whole part about folding clothes and closet organization.

    But seriously, two whole drawers for socks? Read this book and get ready to get rid of some things.

  18. Honestly? I watched that Marie Kondo show and it changed my life. Completely rearranged and reorganized my wardrobe. When I slide open a drawer and see perfectly folded and organized t-shirts? This brings me joy

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