Inspired by other post asking what makes you feel beautiful & most of you seem find “beautiful” not relatable

  1. 1) when I do accomplish something that gets me paid well. Made a whole career out of selling stuff and services.

    2) when I fix something that is broken but I didn’t have to buy anything particularly large or special and/or call someone for help.

  2. When I don’t put off any responsibilities, be it housework, career, social, personal. “I’ll do it tomorrow” is the biggest lie we tell ourselves. You’re not going to want to do it tomorrow either, so just get it done. Especially if not doing it impacts someone else

  3. Being able to work through a pretty complex or time-sensitive issue at work almost automatically by stringing together both prior training and knowledge.

    Also taking a good shit where all your troubles are literally flushed away

  4. Praying 5 times a day on the first call of Adhan. And reciting Quran.
    Everything else is immaterial.

  5. Surviving.

    I struggle with severe depression. Have made attempts at my own life before. I’ve tried everything I could think of and get access to to get better, but none of it has really worked. So to me, getting through another day is more than I can ask for.

    But something that does make me feel better is when I bake something from scratch and bring it into work and all my coworkers tell me how good it is. Even had my own sister tell me my brownies are better than our grandma’s!!! And hers are the freaking bomb!!!

  6. Played 1 on 1 yesterday and my shot was really on. Won 4 games to 0 and had the dude in disbelief that I just couldn’t miss from three. He’d be cursing while the ball was still in the air because he knew it was gonna fall.

  7. I do the headache projects at work. I feel absolutely like a king, when I finish one of them!

  8. When someone comes in with an unusual problem that needs solving and my co-workers have the deer in the headlights look and I just roll my chair over and sort it.

  9. sometimes a lift in the gym feels perfect -everything is tight and the bar moves smoothly, like hitting a ball off the sweet spot, its really satisfying.

  10. I did some work for an old lady today, I was about 3 hours total. I charged her $200 and asked if that sounded fair. And she said God yes you did an amazing job! (I finished a fucked up floor that her son started and didn’t finish)

  11. New successful with calculated risk, getting a good negotiation, successfully protecting people.
    I love, leaving a good impression, finding authentic connection and depth with other people

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