I (24f) work on the same floor as this other guy that I find really cute. We work in separate labs so the only times I see him are sometimes in the break room when he’s having lunch or getting onto the elevator. I’m working up the nerve to talk to him but I have no idea what to even say. Any thoughts on how to start a convo with him the next time I see him?? Also guys how do you feel about a girl trying to talk to you when you’re on your lunch break? Would you be annoyed?

  1. Break rooms aren’t private places. If he wanted to be alone, he would take a break in his car.

    You could mention something that you noticed that day, something about the weather or a local event. You could ask about their work. If you can guess their emotions, you could comment on it. Most people are tired a lot so you could ask “Are you doing alright? You look tired.” If he says yes, you can ask him why. If he says no, you can ask him why not.

    At university, it was common for people to “chrck in” on each other which I find really nice. You just go up to someone and ask them how they are feeling to make sure they are doing okay. If they ask why, you can just say you’re just checking in. People generally don’t get people concerned over them that often and it is super memorable.

    Asking for help or for some input could help, too. People like feeling important and it helps open up the gate for conversations. The more rapport you build, and the more often you interact, the vloser you get and the easier it will be for either of you to escalate into something out of work.

  2. starting a conversation with a honest and small compliment is always great (I like your jacket, where did you buy it?). or commenting food is always great (hey that looks great what you have there. did you cook that yourself?). it’s easy to start off. or ask him for help for something irrelevant. maybe when you walk in try to make eye contact and smile, and see his reaction. if he smiles back it’s easier / safer for you to approach him.

    if he likes being approached – i guess you have to find out. if he has a bad day, maybe he doesn’t like it. if he had a normal or good day, he might like it.

    I’m generally very open when people approach me, however, it could also be that I notice that I might not like the person or it’s not vibing. but that’s okay.

    good luck!

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