Dont know what to do next as a career and would like some life advice. So im in college for computer science right? Its cool, *i dont hate it*, but i dont… love it either. Its cool. This is the major ive chosen as im about to graduate pretty soon in like 2 years or so. While im happy that ive chosen a field that can potentially make me very rich very early on if i study hard enough, im kinda… weary? on the concept of sitting at a desk until im 70.

While in college however, i took up a part time job as a park worker. Almost instantly, i fell in love with the job. Still the only job that i worked for a year+. I always loved parks ever since i was in high school and used to ran xc in the forests, but waking up everyday to see the sunrise across those huge trees is something else. I used to cry looking at the scenery of parks sometimes. Everything used to look so beautiful, like a orchestra being played perfectly. Its the closest thing to pure freedom i can think of. It wasnt even that big of a park which is even crazier.

Now that i transferred to a new college in the city to finish out my degree, ive just been thinking a lot. I like the city a great deal, but ive been having dreams of all the parks ive visited in the past when i sleep. Part of me thinks im still mentally there. Sometimes i have dreams of going to a national park, somewhere even bigger than the one i was working before and working there. But this is the huge problem. Being a park ranger, from what ive heard, pays pennies. Its not a career you choose if you want to get rich. I want to live the kind of life my dad lived and provide for my future family, be the breadwinner. I also want to be able to see my kids more than my dad did ( he worked long hours to provide for us) and going into cs and working from home is a real option.

So idk man. Im not necessarily asking for a decision on what to do, just your experiences. You guys ever had to choose between doing something that was ok – above average and paid a lot, or something you love that paid a little? What did you choose?

  1. Just having a degree will set you up for future jobs. Those jobs don’t even necessarily have to be related to your degree. On the other hand, IT is a saturated field these days. Unless you *really* stand out, you can expect a decent income but a short ceiling.

    Ask yourself though, is money really going to make you happy? Do you really desire the typical success story of a big house, nice yard, and 3 cars with a jet ski or whatever else you need to keep up with the Joneses? My personal opinion, take it for what it’s worth, is that you get to dictate what success looks like to you.

    Me? It’s making ends meet, saving a little bit, and not minding my job. Following that, I feel like I’m successful. I don’t have a huge new house or a fancy ride, and I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw a large body of water. I might aspire to take a vacation every couple of years, but aside from that, I’m content.

    Source: Have a BS CS and work as an electrician.

  2. I’ve personally found that it’s better to do something you like that pays a lot than to do something you love that pays a little. However, it’s not a good idea to do something you don’t like that pays a lot.

    Figure out if you just “don’t love” computer science or actively dislike it. If you actively dislike it then you still have time to potentially find an alternative major that will get you outdoors more. Do some serious research here. It may not be necessary to go full park ranger. You could consider looking into things like environmental engineering, environmental science, geology or animal biology.

    These might be more technically challenging and may not be as “freeing” as being a park ranger, but they could help you meet your financial goals for the future while doing work you care more about.

  3. As a software developer myself, stay in software. Work hard and work your way up then make 6 figures and get a cushy WFH job – or be a contractor.

    Then spend your ample free time enjoying the outdoors and parks.

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