I’m a hs senior, this girl is a junior. I had a class with her last semester and felt like she wanted to be friends because she would always make eye contact with me and avoid sitting next to me. Which I took as shyness. We didn’t talk much except once in class, but it was a very fluid and nice convo. Later, she’d still look at me in the halls and started saying hi. She would also sit at my table in the library, but neither of us would talk.

Anyway I am really socially awkward and had trouble striking conversation with her whenever I wanted to. Now, unlike before, she doesn’t look at me or say hi in the halls. Like she used to seem focused on me but now I’m like invisible. Is it because I didn’t do anything to befriend her? Or she suddenly dislikes me for some reason.

I’ll note I am not interested in pursuing this girl — I have a partner. I just feel drawn to her for some reason and think we’d make good friends.

  1. I think it took her to long for you to approach her and took that as a “he is not interested in me” Woman correct me if i’m wrong but this is what i think of it. When you wait to long either someone else took your chance or she really thinks you’re not interested. Especially after sitting at the same table without conversation.

  2. that’s my best guess is she was Interested in you and nothing happened so she moved along.

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