How is your relationship with with your mother and what would you change?

  1. We haven’t talked since like Thursday. In general, it’s fine. Started very rocky but past few years are much better.

  2. Its Great, she could learn to keep what i tell her to herself, but that ship sailed when i was 17 as she lost my trust in that regards.

  3. At the moment I can say we’re like best friends but she’s hella annoying when I’m driving her. Always complaining

  4. When I was 8 or 9 years old if I was mad about something my mom started screaming at the top of her lungs that I was going to be an abusive alcoholic who beats his wife in order to drown me out. She continued that to the point where when I was 21 when I went out with my parents for my birthday I just had a cherry coke because there was no way I was going to have a drink around that soulless piece of shit.

    To this day she never respects the most basic of boundaries and if I stick to my guns and press her on not doing something I’m not okay with, it becomes a knockdown drag out fight where if I lose my cool and raise my voice she will go back to her classics and go “he’s just so angry all the time! I think he has a drinking problem!” The other option is to just stop engaging with her and then she puts on a performance about what a victim she is that her son is just ignoring her.

    So our relationship is almost non-existent. I’m around her sometimes in order to see my niece and nephew, and because I’ve slowly collected evidence of her behavior in case I ever need to protect the two kids or any kids I have of my own. I’ve even had some quick chats with attorneys. But feminists definitely need to start doing something about emotionally abusive women.

  5. “How is your relationship with with your mother”

    87 % platonic.

    “what would you change?”

    The last 13 %…

  6. Non-existent she was a teen pregnancy she named me a stupid name after a brand, tried to do the baby thing & failed. She was too young. I get that, and understand.

    I don’t have any relationship with her.

  7. Non-existent and I prefer to keep it that way because she has a habit of wrecking lives and loading off her burden on others.

  8. Pretty good. She does have a habit of making her problems my problems though. Would like to change this…

  9. She lives with me now she is dying from cancer. It was not great but as a man it is my responsibility to take care of her my dad is gone .

  10. I love her, but I can’t stand her. She has the same issues for years, keeps whining and complaining about them, doesn’t do a thing to fix it. When I talk about it, she just shuts down or says you are right. Followed by doing absolutely nothing. Can’t stand her doing the same shit and complain, seeing my brother be the same and also calling me lucky.

    She needs to sort het shit out. I didn’t get lucky, from the age of 15 I stated making choices, chase succes, sort it out. Everything where I am is from luck I created, worked for and sacrificed a ton for.

  11. A great unknown to be honest by the time I had matured enough to have a relationship with her as an adult she had been diagnosed with early onset dementia so I became her carer instead.

    10 years of watching the dimmer switch being turned down culminating in doing CPR on her in our front room.

    It’ll be 5 years now come December since she passed and I do miss her in my way but it’s also a grief for what I may have wanted our relationship to have been in adulthood.

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