I’m a current college student (19M) and I seem to be incapable of making a single friend. I go to school clubs. I try to talk to people. I try to take an interest in other peoples lives. I even went to rush. Despite everything I have yet to make a single friend. People don’t really contact me and when I see them on campus they rarely even say hi. When they do it’s always just formalities.

I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong, but it feels like everyone is constantly rejecting me everywhere. I am not particularly ugly, nor am I rude or disrespectful. I treat everyone with kindness and respect. Yet it seems like no one likes me. Any advice would be much appreciated.

1 comment
  1. At least one other of them are thinking the same things so maybe just take some initiative and be the one that’s says hi be the one that starts the text be the one who invites others out

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