So I (23M) am divorced and have been for a few months. I’m curious about what people would look at me like and think. My ex wife started immediately and started sleeping with a guy right after separation. Now it’s definitely a rebound relationship even if she doesn’t say it. I’m not looking for the same honestly.
Not super heavy into looking for a soulmate just testing the waters and keeping it casual, I haven’t been single since I was 17. I did manage to sleep with a girl during a second date but I feel no emotional connection honestly she’s slightly too young. What type of people would be best for me? Women say I’m a nice looking dude but would it be better to level my life up a little? I know people always say after a breakup you wanna be so good that you find a partner that is much better than anything that came before. I don’t have children either thankfully so that complicates things less. I’m rebuilding my life, fixing up my house while living with my parents to sell it. Trying to get a way better paying job and live on my own again with my dog. Will finding a good partner be exponentially easier after doing this? Maybe working out too. Idk I need a sense of good direction because what I’ve been told is to work on myself and I’ll find someone that was so much better than ever before.

1 comment
  1. I think the thing to do is just work on being happy and being a good person andtrying to date people you find interesting. The timing of when you meet the right person has a lot of luck involved so that’s hard to predict. For me, it was quicker than I expected, but for some people it takes a while. It just depends on when you happen to meet her.

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