How often do you drink caffeinated drinks? What kind of drink and how many cups?

  1. Zero. I straight up don’t see the point in caffeine on a regular basis. Once you’ve got it out of your system, you realise that all you’re doing every day is balancing yourself out. You don’t feel any different on a day to day basis when you’ve detoxed. The bonus as well is that on the odd day that you really need a boost, you actually feel it when you drink it.

  2. I drink a Starbucks latte anywhere between 1-5x biweekly. Don’t drink it for the caffeine I consider it a desert so I drink it purely for the taste!

  3. I am unfortunately addicted to caffeine at this point… I need to have at LEAST one cup of coffee a day or the withdrawal headache is unbearable. I usually tend to drink a second cup of coffee, a cold brew, or sometimes an energy drink most days, as well. Caffeine is a drug, it is absolutely no joke. One of my biggest regrets is ever picking up a cup of coffee…

  4. A cup of coffee pretty much every day. I don’t drink it for the need of caffeine though and just love the taste, and love taking the time in the morning to have it while I read a book. Just a nice way to start my mornings. The rare cup of tea maybe twice a month, and even rarer kombucha.

  5. I have caffeinated coffee every morning, anywhere from half a cup to 4 cups depending on how I slept/what I’ve got going on/what time it is.

  6. I drink milk tea two large cups a day. Had given up on coffee for 5 years completely but I started drinking it once in a while since 3 years now, around once a month. Those are the times when I have to study for exams and I want to stay up a bit longer but it doesn’t really work for me.

  7. I have one cup of coffee in the morning.

    Then I drink hot tea all day.

    Then in the evening I switch to iced tea.

    So a lot.

  8. Two cups of coffee with milk – one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Occasionally energy drinks – like once a month

  9. I have quite a lot of caffeine in the week, but not because I need the ‘hit’, but because it’s in the drinks I enjoy.

    I drink so much tea. Probably around 4-5 cups a day. I am British though so it’s basically a requirement.

    I do like coffee but I prefer espresso based ones so I tend only get those once or twice a week from a proper coffee shop as a way to get out of the house and go for a walk.

    I rarely have soft drinks. Maybe I’ll have a Diet Coke if I grab lunch out – maybe 2/3 times a month.

    Cannot drink energy drinks. Not because of caffeine content but because I had way too many jaeger bombs at uni now just the smell alone is enough to stop me in my tracks!

  10. I consume 5-6 coffee cups per day. Pretty much can’t function without it. I even use coffee as a pre-workout drink.

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