Me (F28), and my BF(M30) have been in a relationship for over 6 years. We had a really good relationship and understanding for over 4 years and after that it has taken some toll. We somehow were trying to manage and understand eachother up until now it’s getting worse than we had ever imagined. We fight almost everytime when we have any serious conversation or even it doesn’t have to be one. Few days we are lovey dovey but some topic comes up and we get into a disagreement then our words come out like bullets. We both have said some mean things to eachother and few days later we makeup and talk it out but mostly the issues are unresolved.
Now it’s like we bring the worst of eachother and feel like it’s better not to talk than to get hurt by someone you love so much.

I just wanted to vent it out or seek any advice here. I don’t want to talk with my friends and them judge him cause he is good person and they will be biased knowing my only version.

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