Everywhere I go I feel like I don’t fit in mostly because I’m generally a very serious and quiet person. I vibe with very few people and I take comfort in being alone. However, I can’t help feel left out whenever people are having conversations around me about random topics and I can’t engage appropriately. I either keep working on something or I just smile and feel like I don’t bring anything to the table. It’s not that I don’t know how to talk, I’m a teacher and I do have friends I can talk to about topics individually but when it comes to a group I can’t engage in conversations. This mostly happens with coworkers. I’m a good listener but I can’t help but stay quiet. My mind doesn’t come up with a response so I don’t have anything meaningful to say in between. I’m 23 and I don’t know how to change this. I start beating myself up for being “boring” and serious all the time. I sometimes feel invisible. I only have a good sense of humour with a select few people and even with them I feel like I don’t connect deeply. I have a lot of hobbies I can endlessly talk about but people aren’t interested in listening to me talk. Should I try becoming more comfortable in my skin and accept the way I am or try changing myself no matter how difficult and mentally exhausting it is?

  1. It’s not wrong, anymore than it’s wrong to be goofy all the time.

    But it will have a particular effect on people that you’ll have to get used to.

  2. It’s completely okay to be a serious person, but don’t be too hard on yourself

    Embrace who you are and find people who appreciate your unique qualities.

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