Before scheduling the first date, and after the first date goes well, do you maintain conversations over text or do you drop it and use text to only schedule future dates?

I’ve been wondering how minimal should you text as I often hear people say it’s a basic requirement to text frequently when dating someone, yet others say text should be used primarily for scheduling dates and not for conversation. Which is it? If it’s for the latter, how do you drop a conversation for it to transition into texting just to schedule dates?

  1. Honestly, this isn’t a cut and dry answer IMO. It all depends on the people and their personalities.

    For me, communication is a big deal because I don’t want to play games and waste anyone’s time. That said, I tailor my conversation to fit the stage of where things are. It’s one thing to be social, it’s another to be needy, so you need to figure out what you are in terms of how you communicate.

    If I’m getting to know someone and things are going well, I’ll keep the communication open. Be sure to take cues in the conversation, don’t force it and let it be natural. If you’re getting less frequent responses take that as a sign to pump the brakes and let them take control of the convo.

    I’ve heard plenty of people talk about playing the game or do this/do that and you know what, do you just in moderation. At the end of the day, if you’re interested in someone and you want things to go well they need to know you. If you play the game and are fake on how you communicate, then it might become a problem later.

    TLDR: Read the ‘room’ in terms of how convos go with who you’re interested in. Don’t be overwhelming and go with the flow.

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