**NOTE: No hate please, dont start a political discussion or downvote because you assuming either of our standpoints on it, this is for relationship advice, not political arguments. Please keep it that way we are all humans :)**

Hey everyone, Ive been going out with this girl for around 2 months or so, we’ve been on about 7 or so dates and hung out. But this morning I realized she has quite different views on a specific political subject to me (Both of us are very pro opposing sides in the Israel/Palestine issue). We have somewhat different opinions on LGBTQ but we both see each others view points somewhat and it doesnt bother us that we have different opinions because we both agree to a certain extent, her opinions are just a bit more left than mine. But on the topic of Israel/Palestine we are on VERY opposite ends of the spectrum. Im not sure at all how to deal with it?

Im inclined to think that it shouldnt matter, but I think in reality it will. I feel quite strongly about the topic, and Im unsure but she might too considering she reposted about it. I dont want it to get in the way, but Im worried it might?

How do people usually deal with these types of issues?


  1. I have these discussions while still on app. I’d rather find out someone’s political leanings/value system before investing time developing an attachment to them.

  2. My partner and I have some differences in political views. Personally, my consideration is how the different views are derived by values. For example, do the differences arise from different priorities in values or simply different values? I would not be ok with someone who does not care about equality, but I would be ok if they think sometimes freedom is more significant than equality.

    On Palestine/Israel topics, I draw a line at dehumanization. I would not date someone who celebrates what Hamas has done, nor someone who celebrates when IAF drops bombs on buildings in Gaza.

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