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  1. I live in Chicago. I visited Peru. It was a major culture shock being in such an undeveloped country. That being said, I saw and experienced a culture far different than mine, which created new perspectives in how I view the world.

    I do want to visit Southeast Asia eventually, however I am not a big fan of long haul flights, so that might not be in the cards for me any time soon.

  2. Australia (Sydney), New Zealand or Fiji. I get confused on how time zones work but whichever one is the farthest lmao

  3. From Germany, where I currently live, the farthest away was New Zealand, specifically Stewart Island and the southern part of the South Island. Absolutely splendid scenery there, almost felt unreal.

    From where I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, it was probably South Africa. Cape Town and its vicinity has stunning scenery, and the wildlife elsewhere in SA was also incredible.

  4. Tanzania by both mileage and cultural difference.

    Venezuela is a close second by both mileage and cultural difference.

    Now that isn’t the most remote place I have been depending on how you rank it. I have been to incredibly remote places in the US. Like days away from civilization even if you are knowledgeable about wilderness camping/backpacking/canoeing.

  5. Furthest I’ve ever travelled from home was Houston to Honolulu.

    It was okay. I’m not a beach guy at all, but my parents really wanted to go so I just tagged along with them.

  6. Liege in Belgium, I think. Loved the food and the beer, just wished that I could speak/understand French

  7. From North Carolina I think Hong Kong is the farthest. I like it but I preferred Japan.

  8. I’m from Wisconsin. I lived in Korea for a year when I was in the army. Loved it there! Beautiful country, with lots to see and explore. Some weekends we might take a train out into the country and go hiking in the mountains. Or go into Seoul to see a museum or shopping or baseball game.

  9. Asia. Loved it. Lived there to go to college. Want to go back. Husband wants to wait a few years. He’s from Japan. We’ll go back eventually.

  10. Okay, I had to play around with Google Earth for a bit to figure it out, but it was a fun way to procrastinate for a few minutes. It looks like the farthest I’ve ever been from where I currently live is Hyderabad, India. I did an internship there for a summer in grad school.

    Did I like it? Well, I’m glad that I did it. But I was not ready for the India experience. I’d go back, though. This time I’d be a little more mentally prepared for what to expect.

  11. Thailand. Specifically Phuket seems to be the farthest. But I also went to other places in SE Asia on the same trip.

  12. From Anchorage to Madrid.

    From Chicago to Seoul.

    Loved both trips.

    I currently live in Wisconsin, I grew up in Alaska. As far as the US goes, I have stepped foot in all fifty states and have either spent the night or grabbed a coffee/beer outside of the station/airport in every one, extended visits in most. I have spent the most time in Alaska, Wisconsin, Washington, and Hawai’i here.

  13. Vienna. It’s not that far, and I’d very much like to travel further. Definitely not the most remote or most different from home, but furthest away.

    I liked it a lot and I wish I had spent more time there and been less sick. I’m hoping to go back at some point.

  14. Alabama to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq, 1991. Loved Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Iraq, not so much.

  15. Hiroshima City Japan.

    Can’t really get much further without getting on a space shuttle. It’s basically the opposite end of the earth.

    I loved it there. Honestly if it wasn’t for the fact that all my family and friends are here in the States (and that permanent residence in Japan is really hard to get( I wouldn’t mind living there again.

    Edit: ok Australia would technically be further. But still basically opposite side of the world

  16. New Zealand a year ago, and probably the furthest away I’ll ever get. I did get a huge kick out of “If I take one more step, it’ll be the furthest away from home I’ve ever been.”

    And of course it was amazing and beautiful and I can’t shut up about it even 11 months later

  17. Boston to Vietnam was the farthest distance. It was nice but I have no desire to return. The biggest cultural difference I’ve had traveling was Ethiopia. I’m very glad I went and had some great experiences, but it was a difficult place for me to visit and I don’t plan on returning.

  18. Japan. I loved it over there. The flight, not so much. Took a direct Atlanta to Tokyo flight. This was before you got to choose your own in-flight movie. Evidently, they were having some issues because I watched the Princess Diaries 6 times.

  19. Way the hell out in the far reaches of the Atlantic Ocean, *mumble* feet under the surface. It wasn’t bad *per se*. Parts were cool, parts really sucked.

  20. 8850 miles, from Birmingham, Alabama, to eastern Zululand in South Africa. Awesome.

    And 8400 miles to the South Island of New Zealand. Also awesome.

  21. I thought it was Istanbul, but then I did the math and Athens is actually further away from Idaho

    I loved Athens. Super underrated destination that often gets shit on on reddit. The history is mind-blowing, the food was great, and it doesn’t have the negative tourist aspects – like you don’t get harassed on the street by vendors like you do in Istanbul or Cairo. I felt like they were glad we were there, and where happy to show of their country. And so many great island destinations for short trips.

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