* realized the second question in the title is a bit odd. To rephrase: Is there any reasoning behind your decision?

  1. Spanish, i love an angry Latina cussing me out just to come back and be like “well?” with her hands up…those who have dated Latinas know, usually (usually followed by wild makeup sex)…if she is pre-making a giant good dinner expect she is going to get drunk get her drama on but she’ll make it all worth it. LMFAO 🤣. If she has Pico de gallo, Roja Salsa, homeade tacos, enchaladas and chips rollin by the time you walk through the door…better make sure you make a beer run and get her what she wants and get it on ice…she has an agenda.

  2. Does Sindarin count?

    I guess not, then probably French or Spanish — they can both sound beautiful. But the most magical thing I’ve ever heard was Russian spoken by this adorable little girl. I swear I thought she was speaking some kind of fairy language until her parents replied to her.

  3. Brazilian Portuguese sounds nice, especially the Bahia accent. European Portuguese sounds bizarre.

    I’ve always liked the sound of Italian as well.

  4. In general, people’s opinions on languages and accents are often colored by their culture’s perception of the speakers themselves.

    So most people will have positive perceptions of Italian and French (beautiful, smooth, sexy), and negative perceptions of Arabic or German (harsh, and shouty).

    Anecdotally – I think Chinese and Japanese sound really pretty. But I also grew up around a lot of Chinese speakers, and watch Japanese media, so I have strong positive associations with both languages.

  5. French sounds like I’m being seduced by whomever is speaking French.

    Unlike German which sounds like someone is angry at me and is probably going to hit me.

  6. A woman with a smoky voice could read a translation of a power tool manual in French and I would be captivated.

  7. I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t particularly care for how French sounds. I tend to prefer German or even Slavic languages.

  8. French. It’s sounds nice to the ears, we’ll Parisian French at least, Québécois not so much. I work at a French school in Brooklyn and learned it. Due to already being fluent in Spanish it was quick to pick up due to similar rules and words of Romance languages. Just wish the French enunciated their letters a bit more.

  9. I listen to a lot of Dutch music because I love the guttural sound of the language. I think part of why I like it is because I can actually make/shape some of the sounds in the language and sound out some of the words being said in the music, even if I don’t always know what they mean. I can’t do that with Spanish, for example, because I can’t roll my R’s.

  10. Finnish! It sounds ethereal! And no caustic sounds to an Anglophone. Maybe I’m biased because the writing/spelling is so beautiful.

    Italian and Russian have very great qualities too, not in the graceful way but Italian sounds smooth and approachable while Russian has a lot of character. Both have a lot of personality. I like Caribbean Spanish too.

    Anglophones like French a lot but I think the prestige reputation earns it more than its fair share of praise. As someone who speaks French I think objectively it’s on par with English; it’s nice in some ways but also can sound very guttural and snotty.

  11. Korean and Japanese are beautiful languages.

    Also knew a girl from Sweden in college and Swedish has a very melodic ring to it, it almost sounded like she was singing whenever she would talk.

  12. French because of the times I’ve been in France and it reminds me of that

    You didn’t ask but the worst languages I hear all the time where I work are some of the African dialects because some people talk SO loudly and shout at each other frequently
    My Bengali friends do this sometimes too

  13. Irish sounds amazing. I can’t put my finger on what about it I like. I just know every time I hear it I’m into it. I wish there were better resources for learning it, but it’s unfortunately an endangered language without much in the way of learning resources.

    I’m a big fan on the Germanic languages. German is the one I know the best (aside from English) but I think that they all sound pretty cool. I think there’s something about the way consonant clusters work that sounds neat to me. German just happens to be the one that is most spoken so has the most support for learning .

  14. Icelandic or Japanese (a weird combo, I admit)

    Controversially, I actually hate the sound of French and have never understood why people think it’s pretty.

  15. Here are probably my favorites:

    1. Hebrew

    Hebrew honestly is very interesting for a multitude of reasons, but what makes it unique is the fact that there are no vowels!

    2. Turkish

    Turkish is probably another interesting language because of how it’s a language that is honestly forgotten about a lot of the time! And the way it is structured is also interesting too!

    3. Mongolian:

    Mongolian is interesting not only for the throat singing, but also the fact of how it just sounds.

    4. Slavic Languages

    Slavic Languages are probably the easiest to correlate with each other as many of them share words, Slavic Languages include: Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Macedonian. They are probably some of the most correlative languages out there. For example Milk in Russian is Молоко (Moloko) and in Serbian it’s Mleko. See how easy that is to coordinate. And Cyrillic is actually not that hard to learn!

    5. Maori:

    Maori is what inspired the Na’avi Language from Avatar, and actually it’s a pretty cool language to hear!

    6. Vietnamese

    Has to probably be one of the easiest to pronounce, and it is actually quite an awesome language too!

    7. Chinese (Mandarin)

    The hardest language you can learn, but is actually an interesting one too!

    8. Navajo

    Navajo Code talkers are popular for a reason, the language is awesome too!

  16. I also don’t like French. All of the various Irish accents and the Edinburgh Scottish accent are just lovely. Maori is also very pretty. Personally my current favorite is Korean. Granted I have been learning it for the last year in part because it is just so much fun to speak – all round and vowelly like. The Busan accent though, even when its usually the bad guy in dramas, just has a fun bubbly type of accent.

    Yes, these are the ones that pretty to hear and Korean is just fun to speak for me.

  17. All foreign languages and accents sound beautiful to me except English or specifically London. Irish, Scottish, French, German, Slavic.

  18. Living for a few years in Europe and hearing a multitude of languages, here are the ones I found to be the most melodious (and some were quite surprising




    Swiss German








  19. Fancy British or Italian

    Fancy British is shoved down our throats as the default for any foreigner in film/TV. Italian sounds melodic to me: each word flows beautifully into the next, like verbal cursive writing

  20. Brazilian Portuguese. The way the consonants slide together is almost a murmur. Soothing and smooth. Lovely, especially when sung.

  21. I have always enjoyed modern Japanese music, the Female KPop groups are also good. Twice, Red Velvet.

  22. French, then Spain Spanish, Mexican Spanish, and Columbian or Venezuelan Spanish (in that order, although I tend to associate Venezuela and Columbia with extremely attrac). Spanish is the only other language where I can kinda figure out accents. French I can hear the difference but hell if I know where they’re from.

    Interestingly, I’m of Mexican descent, I’m not particularly fluent though and somehow I can understand Spain Spanish better. English is a second language for my wife, and she says she can actually understand UK English better than American English. She was once theorizing that “maybe because they’re closer to the mother tongue?” Who knows. (she was just saying this off the cuff, not writing a PhD dissertation on the subject so don’t rip this apart in typical Reddit fashion).

  23. South Korean or German are my number one favorite accents of all time and how they speak in their own language.

    Like folks love to wax poetic about French accents but they are shit.

    I want to also give a huuuuuge shoutout to Nigerians and basically all African accents. You guys absolutely fucking crush it. You speak English in a way that makes it more beautiful.

  24. I like the sound of Swedish and Norwegian, they are kind of “ugly pretty” if that makes any sense.

  25. Most people won’t say Spanish because we hear it so often, but actual castellano Spanish spoken by someone from Sevilla or Cadiz? Can’t resist it lol

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