What opinions do you hear some men say that make you think “this person doesn’t know anything about real life”?

  1. “never go to bed angry” tells me you’ve never been in a committed long term relationship.

  2. *Just* (learn to code/learn a trade/go to college/start a business/etc) and you’ll make 6 figures.

    It’s far from impossible but it is not that simple lol

  3. There’s a specific kind of young person that talks about every challenge or opportunity as it relates to how it suits their particular needs at any given time. “Boss is demanding.” “Not fulfilling.” “Mental health.” “Working on me right now.” “Not who I am.”

    And to those people I respectfully say, no one gives a fuck. At all. Most of us grow out of it, but those who don’t have a very hard, cruel life awaiting them.

    You’re not misunderstood. We understand you completely.

  4. If the discussion is about going to a social gathering space:

    *gonna be any chicks there?*

  5. Anybody who unironically uses Alpha/Beta/Sigma/Chad/Stacy/Roastie to categorize people and describe human behavior.

  6. The grind will make them rich. Just because you work 80hrs a week doesn’t mean you will have loads of money

  7. Anything that starts with “I went to the University of Life.” Been 22 years since I was a student but anyone who started an opinion with that sentence usually said some of the daftest shit in the long grand history of daft shit.

    Also “speaking as a parent.” Unless you’re about to say something *very* specific about parenting, we’re all about to hear some weak breeze from someone whose spent the last several years watching Sesame Street and Disney films.

  8. Opinions from men inferring, or explicitly stating that women are shitty, and that every experience they’ve had with women, justifies whatever negative opinion that they have about them, along with every woman that might come into their life in the future (i.e. every girl I’ve opened up to, judged or used it against me, therefore, don’t ever trust them, bro).

    Seeing a comment like this, and then a long string of comments under said comment, with guys saying things like “this is the way”, just breaks my damn heart.

  9. to know life you gotta get how people are

    so if a guy, whether woman, believes “I can handle anyone, can beat anyone no one can mess with me” I can say this person will be killed and their body will thrown to sea or something because I know they wouldn’t get when they mess with some local gang, mafia guy or businessperson so messing with such people, that disrespectful act will likely to end their life. overestimating yourself and underestimating a stranger is “street stupid” thing. show respect to a stranger who never did something bad to you. that’s life 101 thing. making such claims is even insulting people you didn’t met yet. this person cannot likely to read the mood, detect who is the leader and what the group would do to their enemy. barking like a dog won’t get you to anywhere decent. by barking you may won the battle but lose the war

    another aspect is being sexist, racist and whatever. if a guy believes a woman, especially short person cannot beat them when they are suppose to be tall they are mistaken. I know some 150 cm woman who is not particularly muscler did easily beat some 2 meters tank dude. when you start a fight if you make the person fall with good old american football tactic, as long as you can keep the person down they are done for. gender, race and whatever doesn’t matter. this is also valid for how smart a person can be. believing a person for their gender or race or whatever suppose to be stupid will make you ruin your own life and it’ll be too late for you to even realize you fucked

    another aspect is unnecessary hate for particular type of people for no good reason. us vs them mentality gets you to nowhere and can drag your life for no reason. so if you had gave up such kind of pointless hate perhaps you can even make your enemy turn into an ally so you won’t get backstabbed like ceaser

    another aspect is being judgy. don’t judge a book by its cover. anyone who does it never met enough people to know how real life is. kids tend to do it. they do have pointless pair pressure and they focus on too much pointless things and if they stay ignorant they will choose wrong school and wrong subjects and after they graduated when no one wanna hire them they will be like “where is my job?” because they never bothered to learn how real life is. they judged real life wrong and they never bothered to open the “book of life” to get people won’t hire them because of diploma and GPA alone. where is your work experience? and why you never bothered to teach yourself how to make yourself talk so clear we can actually get what you attempt to say? I can’t hire a person who cannot talk no matter their GPA is 4/4 and their professors are decent

    life is endless education and thus all people are students until they die. those who never get how real life is stopped being student when they assumed how real life supposed to be. times changing so as how real life is. those who cannot keep up will be eliminated by natural selection. either you eliminate or be eliminated or find a way that no one has to be eliminated, there is no other way in this life

  10. Violence is NEVER the answer. It’s not always the answer but it’s often the only answer

  11. Bragging about stuff. Give it a break. We could all buy stuff, but we choose to buy useful things for us and others.

  12. Anything coming from Andrew Tate’s podcast. Or that other podcast full of emotionally repressed men in their 20’s/30’s. Or that one ginger dude who thinks being called “rooster” is the same as being called the N word lol

  13. When they think anyone who is not grinding all day every day are making excuses. Not everyone has unlimited energy and as a human we need time to rest and slow down to enjoy the fruits of our labour.

  14. I usually stay away from men who try to just shit on others more successful than them. For example, I have a friend who HATES Elon musk. Hates him. Do I hate him? No. Do I like him? Also no. I’m indifferent. I’m not on Twitter. I’ll never own a Tesla. He doesn’t affect me in any way, shape, or form. And yet, the same thing applies to mainly everyone online. Unless you’re directly working for Elon in some way, he doesn’t affect your life. People are addicted today to outrage culture and pretending like they’re somehow victims of this oppression based force that isn’t real.

    Social media has us comfortable thinking the discourse online is a reflection of real life. It’s not. 99% of the opinions people tell online, they’d never say to another human being face to face. Because they can hide behind the anonymity. Which is fine, I guess. It’s free speech. But spending the time doing nothing but complaining online about people you don’t like will always make you seem like a weaker, less intelligent person in our species, to me.

  15. I read it a lot on here, “Your SO is (insert undesirable thing here)? Dump/divorce them!” Life is a compromise. Guess what? There’s probably a list of things that other people don’t like about you. Just to have someone in your life these days is a bonus. I’d rather deal with, “She parts her hair on the left, THE LEFT!” Than be completely alone. Yeah, if someone is cheating on, abusing you, dump them, if they’re making you feel slightly uncomfortable, maybe suck it up. I’ve been married 30 years, there have been things …. on both sides …. and we’re still together and I wouldn’t trade a minute of any of it.

  16. I bow in honor of the holder of all things “real” and question everything I’ve done up until then as being legitimate or farcical.
    Fuck people like that. Fuck them right in the ear.

  17. “Money doesnt buy happiness”

    I used to think this. While it has some merit, more money can absolutely secure a less stressful future where the individual can foster happiness. There can be happy people with less money, but that is hard to come by.

  18. Any time men talk about the only way to pull women is to act alpha. What a fucking joke Andrew Tate is.

  19. Someone told me that one American political party is trying to ban gasoline and mandate all electric cars in less than a year. Activating fear in politics makes people so easily manipulated.

  20. That simply working out will cure depression. If you don’t work on anything else, you just end up in shape and depressed.

  21. Misogyny.

    Yeah, you’re going to meet women that treat you badly, make fun of you, reject you, etc.

    But certainly no more so than men and trying to hold half the population to a moral standard that is so far above what we ourselves are even capable of adhering to just isn’t fair on our part.

    Women are people and, as such, they aren’t always good ones.

    But if you’re so taken aback that some of them do or say shitty things, imo, that’s more on your own expectations than it is an issue with that entire half of the population.

  22. Left-wing do-goodism and SJWs. I just ignore most of them, they are living memes and it feels like I’m talking to ChatGPT.

  23. Free college, free healthcare, and a $35 an hour minimum wage will make life more affordable.

  24. I worked in a job where I interacted with military instructor pilots on a daily basis. I walked in to a room to set up a scenario and there were four of them in there. One guy was talking about how he had sold his unmodified Honda S2000 and purchased a rare, early 90s Porsche of some sort. His statement follows:

    “I paid cash, of course. Only fucking idiots finance vehicles.”

    The room erupted in laughter at the idea of financing a vehicle. In that moment I realized that retired fighter pilots have been pampered for so long that they have no idea paying $1,000,000+ for a house or $90k cash for a vehicle is unrealistic for most people.

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