So there has been a viral video going around of a pregnant woman going on stage at a Kevin gates concert, he sits her down and proceeds to spit in her mouth. My girlfriend proceeded to say she would take that opportunity if given so even if she was in a relationship or not. So I said “if that happen to you while we were together you would take that opportunity?” She said “yes I’d expect you to do the same if it was Selena Gomez, Cardi B or Taylor swift. That’s a once in a lifetime opportunity”. she then proceeded to say “since we had this conversation I wouldn’t do it if it happened bc I know how you feel about it”. Like the only thing I’m getting from all of this is…
A.) a once in a lifetime opportunity is more important than someone who wants to be with you for a lifetime.
B.) if we never had this conversation it would be something you would do.
C.) she would have no problem cheating on me.
When I told her I wouldn’t do that to her or anyone because that’s disgusting and disrespectful as fuck to do to someone. I asked her if she even thought flirting was considered cheating and she said “no I consider it disrespectful”
Honestly I’m just contemplating whether or not my girlfriend is actually how i see her or if I’m ignoring all the red flags and seeing the good side. I just found that mind boggling that she doesn’t see a problem with any of that while being in a relationship.

  1. I don’t know if spit in the mouth is cheating (that is so gross), but your gf is shallow and on a different maturity level from you. This demonstrates her values and mindset — she will forego long-term commitments and opportunities to pursue something fleeting and dumb. She is as you see her.

  2. >That’s a once in a lifetime opportunity

    For someone to spit in your mouth?? the HELL??? That’s fucking disgusting. I’d break up with her because she’s gross.

  3. I’m sorry but I can’t even comprehend your situation because I can’t move past that first sentence. What the actual fuck?

  4. I hate people who worship celebrities like this. So immature. Honestly you’re young just find someone who shares your values.

  5. She’s not a serious person 🤣 have your fun and then move on to a more serious person…

  6. Having someone famous spit in your mouth is a once in a lifetime opportunity?

    Damn, she nasty.

  7. I’ve never regretted reading a sentence as much as I did reading the first one in this post.

    Good luck with whatever your problem is.

  8. Sounds like she’s really immature, but that’s dating at 21 for ya. I think this would probably be enough for me to dump someone, but that judgement call is up to you.

  9. D) she considers Kevin Gates, who is famous for his sex life that includes any and everyone including cousins, spitting in her mouth an *opportunity*. That’s iiiinsane.

    I like KG but my god girl that’s not an opportunity of a lifetime that’s an opportunity for STDs and the entire internet commenting on how gross you are. I would be so embarrassedz

  10. I just threw up in my mouth. That’s fucking disgusting. I dont care who the F it is, that’s fucking horrid.

  11. She said she wouldn’t do it because you aren’t comfortable with it, what more do you want from her? She’s respecting your boundaries.

    Ya it’s weird AF to want a famous person spit in your mouth but the important part is that she won’t do it because you aren’t comfortable with it.

  12. Okay, so tell me if this is right.

    Her: I would do *weird thing* with a celebrity.

    You: Woah, don’t do that!

    Her: Oh, okay, since I now know how you feel I won’t.

    You: That celebrity is more important to you than me!

  13. People that indulge in celeb worship need to wake tf up. Anyone that has a celebrity crush didn’t mature over 10

  14. You should dump her for the simple fact that she said she would let Kevin Gates spit in her mouth. If you don’t know who Kevin Gates is google him. That’s nasty.

    But fr, she’d let him do it because she’s famous. Certainly not because he’s extremely attractive or anything like that. Just famous.

  15. That’s disgusting. I don’t understand why people act like celebrities are something special. They’re people. Just people. I wouldn’t let my own partner spit in my mouth, why tf I would let someone I don’t know like that do that? Just ewww

  16. As disgusting as anyone spitting in anyone’s mouth is, viewing a celebrity doing it as a “once in a life time opportunity” by no means she “would have no problem cheating on you.”

    It’s not remotely chose to being physically intimate.

  17. I mean, my husband and I have conversations to the effect of, “Okay, if I had a shot with David Tennant he’s on the ‘get a pass’ list right?” and he will say, “Of course. And I get a pass for Jeri Ryan right?”

    But…it’s kind of like when we fantasize about winning the lottery. We joke about it because it’s not going to happen. And if the opportunity really did come up neither one of us would actually act on it.

    So I guess you have to judge whether your girlfriend is just joking around or if she’d seriously cheat with a celebrity. Also, I get that when you make out with someone it basically is putting their spit in your mouth, but actually spitting in someone’s mouth?! Ewwwwww nasty!!!!

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