You’ve been cursed – you’ll never run out of energy or vitality, but you must keep the same job until you die. What job do you choose?

  1. I’ll be a location scout. I’ll just accept my fate to travel the world looking for beautiful ad quirky movie locations.

  2. Will I even die, when I don’t lose vitality? Will i die normal human age?

    If no – archaeologist, because it’ll be fun to dig up a game boy in 2000 years and say something like “Oh, I remember that!”

    If yes – an astronaut. Even in normal human age an astronaut who’ll be able to do space flights for so long is awesome

  3. How is that a curse? That’s a blessing! I’ve been wanting to be a special eds teacher but realised my sensory processing disorder (ADHD and autism combo often causes that) would make it impossible in the long run… I’d burn myself out. So I plan at working at a treatment home for mentally ill youth instead.

    Unlimited vitality and energy = I’d be able to be a special eds teacher.

  4. Would I be given my dream job? In that case, voice actor! Particularly anime dubs. It would be awesome.

  5. Fitness trainer. Helping people get in shape while noticing my own body get fitter and stronger sounds like a great deal to me.

  6. A Forensic Pathologist. Gotta be honest, I’d be so busy and fascinated that I would probably never remember I was cursed until I was dead.

  7. I’d keep teaching. I have infinite energy so you’re telling me I can actually USE my weekends instead of just collapsing? I can come home and both lesson plan AND clean my house? I get to enjoy the parts of my life where I’m not at work??? Count me the fuck in!

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