I got really drunk and slept with a guy who I have known for about 3 months . A girl told me she got genital herpes from him . I asked him if he had anything I needed to get tested for and be told me no. She sleeps around a little bit and I don’t know if she 100% got it from him. I know it can lay dormant in the body for a while . But I’m freaking out. This isn’t me . I never sleep with anyone outside of a relationship. I just really wanted the attention and have a hard time saying no as it is. So the alcohol didn’t help my thinking . I have an iud so I should be good from pregnancy. What do I do about the herpes thing. So I trust him? Do I trust her? I have a dr appointment on Friday . I can’t control my anxiety and it’s put me in a really dark depression the past couple days ! Someone tell me what to do

  1. If you had unprotected sex with a new partner, you should get an STI panel regardless. Let the doctor know you’re concerned about HSV exposure, and they’ll advise you on testing.

    Don’t beat yourself up. Things happen sometimes. A lapse in judgement doesn’t mean anything about you as a person.

  2. Anytime you sleep with a new partner you need an STD/STI panel done. I’m not going to dog on you because you’ve probably learned your lesson. Get the panels and the meds, nothing yoh can do about it now, just don’t sleep with people unprotected in the future

    I’d get tested for HPV too

  3. I have anxiety. You’re predicting you have contracted herpes and you might not have contracted it. That’s two cognitive distortions: predicting and catstrophising. Cognitive distortion is a fancy way of saying illogical thinking that makes you anxious. There is no guarantee that you contracted it. You have to stop obsessing about it and get tested. Thinking about it won’t change anything. What’s done is done. You’re human, and humans make mistakes.

    Herpes isn’t a death sentence. You can take medication to suppress it, so it’s unlikely to be transmitted to someone else. Most people don’t even know they have it. HSV-1 is oral herpes which produces cold soars, and like fifty to eighty percent of the population has HSV-1. HSV-2 is genital herpes and about thirteen percent of the population has it

    The CDC page should answer all your questions. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the FAQ Screening link, which talks about testing.

    [CDC – Herpes ](https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/default.htm)

  4. My partner had Genital Herpes, we didn’t have sex during outbreaks, we had unprotected sex for 5 years a lot and I never contracted it. When there is no outbreak the chances the virus transmits is low. So we just didn’t have sex during breakouts and seemed to be fine.

  5. You can’t test for HSV now. It’s too early.

    Even in a relationship you can get HSV. You can also get HSV using condoms. It’s actually very common and the cdc doesn’t even require it to be tested for in a full panel std test. You are legit freaking out for nothing.

    Take a deep breath, let it out slowly.

    If you get tested this soon, all it will prove is you had it prior. HSV doesn’t even show up in the blood for 12 weeks. You’d want an IGG blood test. Only a pcr swab is accurate (not pcr blood) and that can only be taken if you have an active OB. A urine test or igm blood means diddly squat.

    Talk to your doctor, get a full panel to make sure you don’t have any of the bad ones like gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphillis. They can make you sterile or in worst case, kill a person.

    Go back in 12 weeks and get an IGG blood test.

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