I (22M) for whatever reason start to get horny when I’m asleep or sleepy. Sometimes I’ll wake up to myself masturbating, which itself is a problem. Sometimes I’ll wear a wrist brace to bed, and it kind of helps cause I can’t really do it with that on. But I know it’s not the best solution. And it’s become a bigger problem as well.

I sometimes sleep over with this guy (23M) he’s not my “boyfriend,” more like friends with benefits, but for the sake of simplicity I won’t mind if you refer to him as such. Anyway, sometimes when we’re going to sleep I’ll start to get touchy with him, and it’s a problem. I can’t really wear the wrist brace there, as well as I don’t know if it would help as much in that situation.

My guess is this stems from an unhealthy relationship with porn, but idk. And idk how to have a better relationship with porn. So how do I stop doing this? Like, seems impossible to solve a problem that happens when I’m unconscious lol. But maybe someone has answers?

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