And what was your waking up call to start working out? And if you haven’t started why not??

  1. 20

    I was in the military. That meant working a physical job. Further, being broke as shit, when I had time off there wasn’t much else to do but work out. I weighed 150. I could bench 225. I could do 300 sit-ups non-stop (never found my limit; I would just get bored of doing sit-ups). I could run a sub 5 minute mile. I’m sure there are people who could do more, but I like to think that was pretty good…and good or bad, it was me at my peak.

  2. Hmm, today, 151.4 lbs, 5’10”.

    Been on a quest to get in shape. Broke up with my last girlfriend in April. Was volunteering with a dog rescue and heard/felt a “pop” in my back and it hurt like hell. Can’t ignore fitness anymore. This is my lowest weight since high school, where I graduated at 120 lbs.

  3. Probably 26, lived in a city and walked/ran everywhere and had a gym in my building. Still doing all the same but to a lesser extent since I’m a little more removed from the city now

  4. 30 to 35, was a fucking beast but was heavily addicted to exercise.

    Now almost 39 haven’t exercised in 4 years and trying to get back into it without overdoing it is really hard.

  5. Best overall shape probably around 30. I’m 38 now and this is the best shape I’ve been in since then.

  6. Right now. I sleep a little bit earlier, I lift weights 5-6 days a week, i try to avoid sugar, and i do movement breaks. It could be better but I’m slowly improving

  7. 27 was the peak. I sobered up and needed a new way to get endorphins. I went from 140lbs to 200lbs and then back to 175lbs. I was 175 when I ran my first marathon and I think I had 15% body fat. I also did calisthenics so I was doing ring pull ups and dips and handstand pushups against a wall. After that I wanted to bulk up so I stopped running and went to the gym to also deadlift and squat and focus on specific muscles. My knees were always hurting so I thought that would strengthen them. Anyways I got up to 225lbs and got up to 315lb deadlift and squat pr and was curling 50’s and other stuff. Then my wife was pregnant and I was working and school so I told myself I didn’t have time anymore and stopped. Honestly I think I had more hit a wall.

    I stopped exercising for two years but I maintained the exact same weight of 225. Only thing is all the muscle is gone and I have a soda belly. My call back to exercising the last two weeks has been struggling to be successful and mentally healthy and tbh I’ve missed it so much. It’s so easy to avoid doing it but when I do I feel amazing. Also my hygiene is so much better as well because I have to shower after getting sweaty. Otherwise I shower like once a week and have really bad dandruff and dry skin flakes all over my face. It really is such a solid foundation to build accountability and positive habits. And it compounds so quickly in so many ways. I now know I need it to stay mentally well enough to be there for my family and myself and to thrive. It really does give me more energy to accomplish more.

    I’m worried about losing weight. Its way easier to eat as much protein as possible to “bulk”. It’s gonna be a whole new journey this time.

  8. Right now, possibly. I’ve been taking martial arts which is helping. I used to go to the gym pretty regularly though, so I may have been fitter then.

  9. I’m 60. I’ve got a bit of a pudge, and no where near tge endurance that I had 10 years, although I am still fit, but fucking mentally, I am in the best shape of my life. I am truly in the state of “no fucks to give” for people who want to judge me. I am working on projects that would have been Inconceivable to me a decade ago and having more fun than ever. My boundaries are so clear.

    It is a great place to be.

  10. 22. I played D1 rugby and was competitively powerlifting. I was running 10 miles nearly everyday on top of lifting, practices, and HIIT workouts. Being in that good of shape before makes it hard each time I get hit by the fitness bug. I know what my body is capable of but I can’t get the drive/time to get into half of that fitness capacity.

    It also helped that I lived 1.5-2 miles from all my classes. I walked there and back multiple times a day.

  11. 20 for sure. I was in college and was a combination of rower, martial artist, rock climber, and weight lifter. I could deadlift 405 for sets, strict overhead pressed more than my bodyweight, and would add 45-90 pounds for my dips and pull-ups. Then a medical problem ruined that. No where near that now, but a lot stronger than most still (especially given all my joint injuries which none were caused my lifting surprisingly).

  12. Mid to early 30s would be the high point. Gym of some description 4 days a week, weights of HIIT. Weekend spent doing fun shit. Now just kicked over 40, its basically the same, 3/4 days a week at the gym, HIIT and Yoga. Weekends will dedicate one day to riding bikes, climbing or something else outdoorsy, and the other will be relax and recovery

  13. turning 42 and I would say now. Spent the last year working really hard at the gym and got my diet in check and gave up drinking. I have abs now, makes me laugh. My body looks like it’s someone else’s, just funny to me.

  14. 9th grade. 125 pounds of lean muscle, six pack, could ride my bike up a super steep incline dirt hill without stopping.

    Then i got a computer, and it all went to hell from there lol.

    Currently 39 and working on losing some weight for my wedding next year. Down 18 pounds since March but still would like to do another 15-20 for photos. We’ll see how it goes.

  15. 16 – but I was super lean, ok strength – a runners body. Then at 36, after a few years of being back at uni hauling a heavy backpack around most days and walking home with my shopping twice a week. It got me into a nice well rounded shape.

    I’m 42 now, been largely sedentary for the last year and a bit. Trying to get active again now, but I’m struggling with energy levels and will power.

  16. Right now at 42.

    Watching the movie 300. Started working out almost immediately.

    That was 16 years ago. Still hammering.

  17. 29. I hit my fastest mile ever that year and had boundless energy.

    I was marathon training, so I’d have 12 mile training runs. I’d bike 5 miles both ways to play rec league football and play an hour of football. These were just on Saturday mornings.

  18. Right now, in my 60s.

    I was scrawny growing up, exercised for most of my adult life but never really got built up…then one day in my late 40s saw a candid photo and realized I was getting fat. Changed my diet, started doing HIIT workouts, and have never looked back.

  19. 29 (Last year).

    I was running on average 70-80 miles a week training for two marathons, and I climbed 4 Fourteeners in Colorado in 2 days with no acclimatizing. I was kicking ass.

    I’m still good this year, but I overtrained a bit on the running.

  20. About thirty-three. I was in grad school and could spend a lot of time working out. Dropped fifty pounds (which was probably too many but still). I gained it all back tho after my kid was born and then Covid hit. Just trying to claw back now.

  21. 39…. Got tired of being chubby and my back always hurting! Took a few months, but it was awesome.

  22. Best cardio…maybe 35 or possibly early 50s. Best strength, definitely 51. Have had a few physical setbacks but planning on getting back to very fit and strong-for-me in age 53.

  23. Unless I get sick or injured, I’m always in the best shape of my life. Stay on the path

  24. Right now 32 and loving it. Hard to compare myself from the 20s in terms of recovery and cardio level as I wasn’t really fit back then.

    I do gym, taekwondo and Muay Thai. Hopefully having a kick boxing amateur match soon.

  25. 20-28; racing mountain and road bikes, lifting weights, running, swimming, stretching and skiing (alpine & X/C), etc.

    Made a comeback at 35-38; more cycling and racing, super-circuit weight routine, rock climbing.

    Kept the bike racing going for most the next decade, but eventually settled into marriage and fatherhood, slowly losing my edge. Still, I suppose I’m probably fitter than 80-90% of people my age (almost 60).

  26. Absolute best? Age 21. Then again at age 27 training for a marathon, then again at age 33 when I was racing in-line speedskating 50k races regularly, then age 50 during covid when I in-line skated 300 miles and cycled 150 miles in the month of April 2020

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