I’m 37, and lately after my workday, I’ve been relaxing on the couch in front of the TV.

Fellow dudes over 30 – I don’t know about you, but when I have the TV on, I like to be able to do something else while I’m watching. The issue is that aside from tasks like folding clothes, I’m at a loss for what to do, and so always end up staring at a computer screen separately. I’m looking for ideas for things to do in front of the TV. Some things I’m aware of:

– I play bass and so sometimes I’ll pick up the bass and noodle, but I sometimes find that too distracting (and not productive enough, as I’m in a music lull right now).
– A lot of standard replies to this in non-gendered forums talk about knitting, crocheting, and sewing. While I do technically know how to knit, I don’t find it a productive activity and it doesn’t really interest me.
– I know that exercise is a good option, but it’s hard to actually watch TV and do that at the same time. (Because I’m on my computer a lot, I tend to put on comfort TV, but I think that I can introduce new stuff if I can find an activity that allows eyes on the TV.) I have a bike trainer and I’ve set that up in front of my TV, but I’m open to other options too.
– Folding clothes is great when there are clothes to fold.

What do you guys do in this case? Are any of you able to actually accomplish stuff in front of the TV if you have the time?

  1. Honestly I would consider ditching the TV and moving over to an audio form of entertainment.

    Books on tape, lectures and podcasts can cover any and every interest you may have, whether you’re seeking entertainment or education. Browse top audio books and podcasts and see if anything catches your attention. There is definitely some trial and error, but you’ll soon find your preferences and countless places to explore them.

    It isn’t for everyone, but if you’re able to enjoy audio content it will release you from the front of your TV and give your body more freedom and focus to work on other hobbies.

  2. I have various small grip strength tools I use while watching tv, bang out a 100 reps each hand throughout the night while watching tv.

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