I’ll keep it short.

Growing up in a small town, everyone works all week, goes pub after work with others, parties on weekend till the next day, short term relationships, hook ups, gossip/drama etc

This was my life for a long time without realising it.

I then started training martial arts which led to me not drinking anymore, I didn’t want to hang out and smoke weed I wanted to go bed early lol.

Now I think everything in moderation is good but I’ve had a few people say I’m boring now but I feel healthy and happy more than ever. My own business is starting to bring in a low income I could live off from my mind being clear to be focussed on work etc

Lot of people talking shit on me as a joke but it kinda hurts and I feel a-bit ostracised.

I’m wondering if anyone’s gone through this? I still like these people but maybe I need to detach a bit and try find new people with similar mindsets (which at 30 seems daunting)

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  2. Sorry, this is a not a real advice, but I feel pretty much like you. I’m kind reading about my own history there, as ‘m also from a small town and went through martial arts and lost interest in drinking and partying, altough I was never a entusiasthic party guy.

    Thing is, yes, as we change interests we need to change the people around us, few are the real ones who stay with you through a drastic change.

    But remember, you know what is best for you. If you need to change, you change, if you need to advance, you advance. No one has the right to stop you from reaching your best, the only thing is, respect others as want to be respected, even tough sometimes they don’t deserve, but this is more for you than for them. Just leave them behind.

    I’m struggling to find deep bonds with people too (I’m on my 30’s too), but I fell that I’m having a better time knowing people here and there than stuck on friendships that disrespect me and provide the bare minimum a partnership should provide.

  3. I think our priorities change at different stages of life and our social group can change as well.

    I don’t think one group can fulfill all of our aspirations.

    I’d keep that group for certain things, but also make new friends for other hobbies.

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