So I (F18) have been out of high school for 2 years now (Don’t ask me how, I went to school at an early age). In those 2 years, all I’ve done is work & travel. With traveling comes many opportunities to hook up but i prefer having sex with one person per time. So I usually find a guy in the country I’m travelling in – who’s usually also travelling. I don’t always fund the person up to my standard and I just masturbate. Sometimes I masturbate 7 times a day but it doesn’t help. When I do have someone to have sex with, I want to do it Maybe 4 times a day for hours with breaks in between. It doesn’t affect my personal life but I’m always horny. And I’ve been told by one guy that I’m too sexual. Am I not normal? Do other people go through this too?

  1. No, everyone’s sex drive different. My boyfriend goes maybe 1 time a day max, after we fuck that’s it he’s drained. I could go about 4/5 times a day… so I think it’s normal, everyone’s drive is different.

  2. Totally normal. I’m 36 and much the same way – 1 person at a time – and when there’s time and the girl is up for it we pretty much fuck constantly

  3. If it interferes with your day-to-day life or long-term goals, then it could be a problem. If it doesn’t, then it probably isn’t. It might, however, make it more difficult to find a partner who is sexually compatible with you.

  4. Sounds perfectly normal to me.

    I desire sex a few times a day. I know I want sex multiple times a day, but the reality is, it happens once every few months, maybe.

    I’m not sure if the desire is there due to lack of sex, but I know my sex drive is active. A lot.

  5. You rarely find someone with a sex drive like yours but it’s normal. I’m the same way if I can have sex all day then let it be but it’s also on the person you are having the interaction with if they can keep up. Yes the break in between is fine. One thing I say is stay hydrated lol

  6. It wanes. For your age it doesn’t sound crazy and perfectly normal. But I think I’m more sexual as well.

    It’d be interesting to know that guys background. As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed how people who grew up in protestant communities can really have some sexual hangups.

  7. >It doesn’t affect my personal life.

    This is the key. If it doesn’t affect your perdonal life then it is absolutely normal. Everybody’s different and if you have to masturbate 7 times a day to work properly just do it.

    I had a friend once who even reached 12 times a day and he was still able to do what he had to in life, he just had a very high libido.

  8. Yes there is such a thing as wanting too much sex. Sex addiction is a thing. I’m not saying that’s you, I’m saying it exists.

    Yes it is normal to be the way you are if you have a high libido.

    Save yourself so much drama in your future by choosing a partner who is far more on your same level sexually and is compatible with you, you’re young and will think your partner will change over time or it doesn’t matter that much and you can survive on love, it’s possible but it’s also naive, best to go with what you know you can work with then waste time with someone who will never be at the same basic stage as you when it comes to your sex life. It matters a lot to some people, if you feel like that’s you don’t settle for less.

  9. No there isn’t such thing. Your drive is your own thing and you just gotta find someone who matches that

  10. It’s not “normal” to be left handed. It’s not normal to have an IQ of 140. But those are not bad things, though they may require some readjustments.

    It sounds like being horny hasn’t led you to do things you wish you hadn’t. You’re still choosy about who you hook up with.

  11. As was roughly at your age when I met my (current? :D) wife. We we were having sex at least 4 times a day and it didn’t affect our duties at all.
    15 years later we’d still do it at least twice a day if I didn’t have so much stuff going on in our lives.

    I guess, what I mean, without sounding too old is, enjoy and be responsible.

  12. 37M. Very normal, and the more you play and experiment, the more likely you are to find people with compatible drives who could leave you more satisfied, and other patterns (like number of times masturbating) will adjust accordingly.

    But whether you see one person or multiple people a day, don’t let someone dictate your drive as correct or wrong or too much or too little. You’ll get the most from your sex life if you listen to your motions and play safely.

  13. You’re normal, some of us just have higher sex drives. He’s just shaming you because he feels like he isn’t cutting it.

  14. I wish my wife had that kind of sex drive.

    But really there is no such thing as “normal” there is what is normal for you. Everyone has a different sex drive and it will ebb and flow throughout your lifetime.

    Embrace it. Enjoy it. Have fun with it while being safe.

  15. Also. I personally feel like “sex addiction” is something from religious people to try to shame people for their sexual desires. If it’s not interfering in your work or daily life then it’s not a problem.

    It would be like saying someone has a “church addiction” because they talk about it daily and go more than just on sundays.

  16. It’s not uncommon for teenagers to have raging hormones.

    Some 18-year-old guys and younger watch porn and masturbate multiple times a day.

    A lot of people don’t expect girls/women to have such a high libido.

    When someone can’t keep up with another person the tendency is to say something is abnormal or wrong with her or him. You simply may not be sexually compatible with that guy.

    There is also the possibility this is just a phase and by age 25, 35 or older you’ll have less drive.

    Lots of guys wished they had a woman who truly *loves* having sex!

    ***”Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you lost.”*** – Unknown

    ***”Comparison is the thief of joy.”*** – Theordore Roosevelt

    Best wishes!

  17. >Is there such a thing as “wanting too much sex”

    Like anything else, if it interferes with your daily life (work, hobbies, friendships, etc.) it’s likely a problem.

    If it’s not…it’s not and you probably just have to find someone to keep up.

  18. Quoting a sex therapist – “the right amount of sex is the amount of sex you want” barring interference with your other aspects of your life like health, work, relationships, etc. In one sense, not having enough sex can interfere with one’s health, work, etc. too

  19. We are in the same boat 😉
    If it was up to me I would have sex 5 times a day.

    There is just something about it.
    If I can’t have sex I just go and jer of to some porn.

    But as long as it doesn’t ruin anything for you in your daily life, I would say it’s healthy.

  20. You be you. Your mate is out there and you being exactly who and what you are will make your relationship a great fit.

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