How would you know if your partner doesn’t love you anymore?

  1. – repeated disrespect with no apologies nor attempts to correct his actions
    – complains about how hard the relationship is but refuses to do his part in repairing

  2. You would know by the fact that they don’t care or put effort in the relationship anymore

  3. If you’re no longer a priority, but an option, one of many, and an option that’s on the bottom of the list, which is appealing only when there is nothing or no one better available.

    If the relationship exists only because of your sacrifices and hard work, whereas the other person only reaps the benefits.

    When they say “I love you”, but really mean that they love how convenient you are in their life, and that they love what you can do for them.

  4. I’d imagine he’d stop being affectionate, stop doing nice things, probably be generally grumpy or angry at me. The total opposite of now. I’m pretty empathetic with him, I always know what mood he’s in so I think I’d pick up on the bad vibes pretty quickly.

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